
March 17, 2011
Feast of St. Patrick
St. Patrick

St. Patrick comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to help all to understand the nature of miracles. Many come here to this site hoping to witness miracles – and many do.”

“But often the greatest miracles are silent – spoken only to the heart. It is this type of miracle that too often goes unnoticed but results in a changed attitude. Perhaps the soul is converted and for the first time begins to live the Holy Love Messages. Perhaps the soul is able to forgive some long past injury. Maybe for the first time the soul allows Heaven to use him as a special instrument of evangelization.”

“Whatever the change of heart, a miraculous grace was tendered forth to inspire the change.”

“Therefore, I have come to help all to look beyond the external – the spectacular – and to recognize the miraculous workings of grace within hearts at this site.”