
August 5, 2012
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today I have come to address the plans that lie hidden in hearts. These are agendas which are not inspired by good, but by evil; for predominate in many hearts is the concept of the New World Order. Since this is not a union of tolerance, and is not founded on love of God and neighbor, you must understand it is not of Me. This plan is designed to control.”

“Your dependence upon consumerism and technology will soon become a tool of Satan. You must learn to be reliant upon Divine Provision. Open your hearts as to the ways that I provide. Do not fear, but realize that if I can provide manna in the desert, I can show you many ways to live independently of any evil plan.”

“Always be children of the Light. When you walk in the Light of Holy Love, you will open your hearts to receive everything I send.”