
February 18, 2013
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Prayer is the universal language between the heart of man and the Heart of God. It is the doorway to grace and, therefore, peace. Prayer challenges untruth in the heart. It protects and delivers the soul from evil. Prayer is the defense of the just and sheds light upon evil agendas.”

“Those who oppose prayer in any way are not living in My Father's Divine Will. Pretense of some ‘good' in an effort to stop prayer does not transform an evil effort to good intent. You removed prayer from schools and replaced it with guns. You removed the Ten Commandments from courts of law and legalized sin.”

“Today, I am calling all people and all nations into My army of prayer. You do not anticipate what lies ahead or with what intensity it will come. The days of My Mercy shorten. My Justice must come.”