
September 14, 2001
Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary; Dictated by Maureen’s Guardian Angel
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)



You said ‘yes' to the angel without regard to cost to Yourself, Blessed Mother. Help us to say ‘yes' to God's will for us in every present moment. Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us.


You traveled to visit Your cousin and to assist her in her need. Protect us on our journeys from any terrorist attacks. Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us.


You were unable to find a suitable dwelling place for the birth of Your Son, Mary. Yet, Jesus nestled in Your arms must have felt secure. Help us as a nation to feel secure once more. Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us.


Your heart was pierced by a sword, Mary, so that the thoughts of many would be laid bare. Our hearts are pierced today, Blessed Mother, as we see the evil that was behind these terrorist attacks. Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us.


When Jesus was lost You searched for Him sorrowing, Blessed Mother. Many are lost today as a result of this attack on our country. We ask You to assist those who search for them, and those who wait for them with the grace of Your heart. Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us.



Jesus, You agonized over those who would not turn to You despite Your death on the cross. Jesus, we ask You to have mercy on the terrorists who will not turn to You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us.


Your flesh was torn from Your bones, Jesus. Many suffered injuries in these terrorist attacks. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us.


So many suffer mental anguish over these senseless acts of violence, Jesus. Help this nation as it mourns. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us.


You accepted Your cross with patience, Jesus. Help our nation to bear patiently this heavy cross. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us.


As You embraced Your cross, Jesus, You prayed for Your enemies. Help us to forgive our enemies and to pray for them. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us.



Help us as a nation to rise from the ashes of this tragedy. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us.


You ascended to Your throne in Heaven, Jesus, victorious over death. From Your throne, take into Heaven all who have perished in this tragedy. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us.


Our bodies are meant to be temples of the holy spirit. Inspire all people and every nation to respect life from conception to natural death. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us.


Mary, You were assumed into Heaven body and soul because Your heart was blameless before God. Please pray that the heart of our nation becomes blameless before God by overturning abortion. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us.


From Your throne in Heaven, Mary, You can see into all hearts. Reveal to us our enemies. Inspire our nation's leaders to reconcile the heart of this nation to God. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us.

October 15, 2001
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

At adoration I was given the following prayer by two angels who were adoring Jesus. They said: “Praise be to Jesus.”


“Heavenly Father, I desire that You place the Seal of Your Divine Will upon my heart. Thus, I will accept Your Will in all situations and in every present moment. I will accept all things as from Your Hand for the good of my salvation and the salvation of others. Amen.”

May 20, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

“I am your Angel–Alanus. I come in praise of Jesus. Jesus desires that I take you to the edge of eternity so that you can witness with accuracy all that lies in the next world for souls.”

All at once, mystically, I seemed to be standing on the edge of Paradise. The angel said, “See, it is all peace here for every heart in pure love. You don't need to think about sin in this moment or the next. There is no sin. There is no present or moments ahead. Everything is all one in the Eternal Now.”

It seemed I was seeing colors I never knew existed–beautiful blends of color in great richness. Alanus then said, “Any flower you wish to smell–just think of it and you will smell it. (I thought of sweet peas.) Any food you desire, the desire will be fulfilled without eating. When you think of Jesus, He will be next to you; the same with the Holy Virgin. There is no space here–everything is everywhere–a concept the soul cannot grasp in the world. If you praise God once, the praise resonates throughout Heaven for all eternity.”

“Return and tell everyone what you saw and experienced.”

May 21, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

“I (Alanus) have returned. Praise be to Jesus.”

“The Lord sends me, as He desires that you better understand Heaven. Remember, there is no time or space in Heaven. This is a difficult concept for you, I know. This can best be defined as this–there is no past, present or future in Heaven. All of these come together in the Eternal Now. All is embraced and part of the Divine Will of the Eternal Father Who is the Author of All Good.”

“The Heart of God the Father is Heaven itself. No one enters outside of His Adorable Divine Will, for in Heaven all is conformed to His Will. So you see, Heaven is the perfection of the Divine Will. The ways that the soul opposes the Eternal Will of God are faults, imperfections and sins that must be atoned for, and burned away before he can enter Paradise.”

“In Heaven there is no duplicity, no criticism, no gossip, no impurity. There is only Divine Love. Therefore, the soul should prepare for Heaven by trying to overcome all his faults while on earth.”

“Further, because there is no space, everything comes together in the Eternal Now. The soul is filled at all times to the brim with all the merits and happiness he earned while on pilgrimage in the world.”

“Next I will take you to the edge of Purgatory–a grace-filled arena of holy souls.”

May 26, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

“I am Alanus. Jesus sends me to relate to you some knowledge of Purgatory. All praise be to Jesus.”

“The soul, once freed from the body, undergoes its final judgment. This judgment is based on the depth of Holy Love in the heart at the last breath. It is this decision to live in Holy Love or not, that the soul makes throughout his life, which determines his particular place in Heaven, Purgatory or Hell. If the soul consistently chooses Holy and Divine Love, he would have a particularly high place in Heaven. If the soul tried to live in Holy Love, but had faults in Holy Love he was unable to conquer, then he would find himself in Purgatory. So you see, it is each person who chooses his own afterlife according to free will.”

“As you know, Purgatory has many levels. The deepest level–the one farthest from God–is reserved for those souls who converted at the last moment of life or for those who had repented of grave sins, but had never atoned for them. The greatest trial in all of Purgatory is being apart from God. These souls, in the deepest part of Purgatory, feel this loss most keenly because they are the farthest from God.”

“So you see, the depth of love in your heart in this life affects you throughout eternity. Each soul's eternal reward is based on the Holy Love in his heart throughout his lifetime.”

“I will take you to the edge of Purgatory soon.”

May 28, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (angel) comes to me. He says: “All praise be to Jesus.”

“Today in your country the citizens commemorate the dead by visiting cemeteries and decorating grave sites with flags, flowers and so forth. But what I have come to show you should change the outlook of all people concerning the hereafter if they enter into this vision of Purgatory with sincere hearts.”

He then leads me, mystically, along a path which seems to be covered in brambles. We go up a little incline and he asks me to stand beside him on the edge of a rocky cliff. He motions with a sweep of his arm, and below us is a big canyon. At one end are great flames. It looks like people in silhouettes bobbing up and down in these flames. There are loud cries for mercy and shouts of pain, but it does not alleviate the suffering.

Alanus says, “These are the souls in greatest need of prayer and sacrifice. This is the lowest part of Purgatory–the part closest to Hell itself. Many suffer here, for no one prays for them. They were regarded as ‘good'–some even ‘holy'–in their lifetime, but it was all a facade. Many priests are among these poor souls, for they were not faithful to the precepts of the Church.”

“There are those who lied about others, and destroyed their reputations. These are them.” He shows me souls who are having molten lead poured down their throats. It burns holes through their necks but does not stop. On a ledge around this fire are many angels–more than I can count. Alanus says, “These are the guardian angels of those poor souls being purified at this level. Through all of this suffering, the souls' greatest trial is separation from God.”

I saw souls who seemed to have their flesh melting away. This, too, was unending. Alanus said, “These are the ones who were guilty of sins of the flesh.”

We moved on to view the next level. There seemed to be something like water poured down on the fire so the flames were smaller–not as intense. Alanus said, “Blood and water from the Side of Jesus continually flows upon the souls on this level.” The souls were suffering, but all their suffering seemed more

alike, and for some reason, the souls seemed more united. They had their hands raised towards an opening. They seemed to be begging for mercy. Alanus told me, “They suffer intensely for not being in God's Presence.”

We moved on to what seemed like a much better area. These souls looked more like people, but they were gray. Alanus said, “These are the ones closest to Paradise. They are almost completely purified. They need maybe one Mass, or one rosary; maybe one Hail Mary to enter eternal joy.”

“So you see, decorating graves is not what souls, long deceased, cry out for. Many spend long centuries in Purgatory, for their loved ones think they are in Heaven. If you pray and sacrifice for these holy souls, they will assist you now and at the hour of your death.”

“Make it known.”

June 11, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

“Praise be to Jesus. I am here–your [Angel] Alanus.”

“I must accompany you on this transport to eternal damnation. The flames of Hell are all around you in this mystical journey. The heat is unquenchable and unlike any flame of earth. The greatest trial, however, is the absence of love. While the soul never again feels loved, he understands that it is through his own free will that he is condemned. He suffers the physical pain of the fire, the mental torment of not seeing God or sharing Heaven with Him, and the emotional trial of having chosen the eternal suffering of Hell through free will.”

I felt a sinking feeling as though going down on an elevator. Then a big span of fire appeared in front of me. The bodies in the fire didn't look like people, but grotesque creatures.

Alanus says, “Each soul suffers according to his transgressions against the LAW OF LOVE.”

July 31, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


First Day

“Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that Your Divine Will, which is Holy Love, be made known to all people and all nations. Show those that embrace evil, violence and acts of terrorism that these things are never Your Will and do not please You, but offend You gravely. Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


Second Day

“Heavenly Father, Splendor of Truth, help me always to trust in Your Divine Will, which is One with Your Provision, Your Mercy and Your Love. Through Your Divine Will, assist me in always living in the truth. Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No Longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

August 2, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


Fourth Day

“Eternal Father, allow Your Divine Will to mold my heart in every virtue, to shape my spirituality according to Holy and Divine Love. Thus may it please You to make me an instrument of Your Will in the world. Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


Third Day

“Abba Father! You are the Eternal Now, the Creator of time and space, the Source of all that is good. In every present moment, I beseech You, help me to find Your Divine Will and to surrender to It. Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

August 3, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


Sixth Day

“Eternal Father, in Your Omniscience, You understand that Divine Love is engaged in the final battle against hate that Satan sows in hearts. Help us to be Your weapons of victory over every evil that opposes Your Divine Will, which is always Divine Love. Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


Fifth Day

“Heavenly Father, All Powerful and All Knowing God, Ever Present in the tabernacles of the world, grant the heart of the world the grace to recognize Your Will in the world today, which is always love and truth. Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


Seventh Day

“Heavenly Father, Source of All Grace, You created us in Your Image. Help us always to be reflections of Your Heart, which is Paternal Divine Love in the world. Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

August 4, 2007
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


Eighth Day

“Heavenly Father, Creator of the Universe, place in our hearts today the will to live in harmony with Your Holy and Divine Will. We know this is only possible through Holy and Divine Love. Help us to choose this Love in every present moment. Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Dictated by Alanus (Angel). He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


Ninth Day

“Eternal Father and my Father, Your Mercy and Love fill all the earth. Reach into every heart and reclaim each one as Your Own through the light of truth and righteousness. If it is Your Divine Will, grant me, Your needy child, this petition I invoke of You (name petition). Amen.”

Our Father – Hail Mary – All Glory Be

Recitation of Prayer to God the Father:

“Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of

Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You.

Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love.

With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil.”

“Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of

the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil.

No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose

Your Eternal Divine Will.”

March 6, 2008
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (one of my angels) comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The Lord of Hosts desires you record this prayer:”

“Jesus, I trust in You. I know that You love me. I desire every obstacle between us be removed. Take from my heart any morsel of unforgiveness so that I can be completely Yours.”

“Help me to forgive those who have hurt me, have lied about me, have gossiped about me, were jealous of me, have stolen from me or have abused me in any way. Then plunge me deep into Your Most Sacred Heart. Cover Me with Your Most Precious Blood.”

“Do not allow me to resist Your Love again through unforgiveness of another. Amen.”

“The Lord of Hosts says whole nations could benefit from this prayer.”

July 30, 2010
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (one of Maureen's angels) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to discuss with you the role of angels in the salvation of souls. Angels are the soul's intercessor, protector and guide. It is angels who encourage souls to go deeper into Holy Love, Holy Humility and, therefore all the virtues.”

“The guardian angel assigned to each soul encourages good and discourages evil. He inspires the heart to open to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. He gives warning in the face of danger, whether it be physical, spiritual or emotional. The more the soul believes in his angel's assistance, the more assistance he receives.”

‘If the soul has some special mission to perform for Heaven, extra angels are given by God to help in the accomplishment of the mission.”

“The soul in this life is never left unaided by his guardian angel, no matter if he be steeped in sin or not. In fact the graver the danger spiritually, the stronger the guardian angel's pull to bring the soul from the brink of perdition.”

“Many a deathbed conversion was won by the efforts of the guardian angel who works silently towards this end.”

“Pray fervently every day to please your angel, and always follow his lead.”

October 7, 2010
Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

“Do you not recognize me? I am your angel Alanus. Praise be to Jesus. Write down this prayer:”

“O Divine Infant Jesus, present in the womb of Mary at conception by the power of the Holy Spirit, present in the crib at Bethlehem in obedience to the Will of God, open the heart of mankind to see that true peace will only come when there is peace in the womb.”

“Awaken mankind and help each soul to surrender to the Will of his Divine Creator. Amen.”

June 6, 2011
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (my guardian angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to tell you that the myriads of angels who attend this prayer site stand ready to welcome each soul who comes here. None will leave untouched by grace, but there will be some souls who summarily reject what is offered to them here; that is because it is easier to disbelieve than to believe. If the soul believes, he has the responsibility of living the Messages. Disbelief automatically exonerates the soul from making the spiritual journey into the United Hearts. This is like a spiritual apathy.”

“Many have done everything in their power to discount the many graces offered here. They oppose Truth itself. But these do not find willing hearts amongst the humble and simple souls who find consolation, direction and grace through these Messages, and all Heaven tenders forth here.”

November 7, 2011
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to enlighten you as to the action of angels in your life and in the world today. Because we abide in Heaven, we are not constrained by time or space. This allows us to be in many places at the same time. We can move instantaneously between Heaven and earth. So it is, that your petitions are carried instantaneously from your heart to the Heart of God.”

“We [the angels] are permitted to disguise ourselves as mortal beings in order to redirect free will or to initiate actions towards the fulfillment of God's plans.”

“We most often counter evil forces that threaten eternal life, and help the undecided to determine the path of righteousness. We can bring to fulfillment God's plans, thwarting mankind's evil inclinations by our influence.”

“The most important point I make today is that people need to believe in the angels. The greater your faith in us, the more power we have to act. Thousands upon thousands of angels are present here on this property.* They often appear as glittering lights.”

“Ask them to assist you.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine located at 37137 Butternut Ridge Rd in North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039.

November 8, 2011
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Once again I come to you to explain the action of angels in the world today. Sadly, angels can offer the most profound influence, but if the heart has been given over to evil, good inspirations will be quelled.”

“Angels are most active today around bodies of government where hearts are challenged to make evil decisions which affect thousands of people. Where there are thousands from the celestial court, there are also minions from Satan's domain. These battles are becoming most apparent these days through mass media and the electronic age.”

“This is why the Lord constantly asks for prayers for the heart of the world. If the heart of the world would convert and live according to Holy Love, the inspirations of God's angels would not be cancelled out by evil; then there would be peace.”

“But today, free choice has become its own god. Opinions hold supremacy over God's laws. People believe that if they think something is justified, God will judge their choice as good. This is not so. Many souls are suffering in the afterlife as they believed in themselves first and foremost.”

“I am privileged to impart this information to you today. The angels cry out that this be heard. Disbelief in the battle between good and evil makes our job almost impossible.”

November 9, 2011
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The angels attendant to this property are present to assist those who come along the path of personal holiness. They are eager to help, and often do. Their assistance is most often in the background and goes unnoticed. What seems mundane may suddenly become a significant grace – something that leads the soul into the Chambers of the United Hearts.”

“The angels open the ‘eyes' of the heart to see what they did not see a moment before. After such graces are experienced, it is the angels who invoke ‘Mary, Protectress of the Faith' so that what is given so freely will not be taken away through Satan's doubts.”

“Even if unknowing, unbelievers and detractors come here, the angels are doing their work in the background. The soul does not have to see us for us to work towards his holiness. The angels continually pray that souls will be responsive to grace. Without the positive action of free will, the work of every angel is negated.”

November 10, 2011
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I have come once again to help people understand the role of angels in their lives and in the world at large. The sole purpose of angels is to defend Holy Love in hearts. Yes, angels are known to save mortal lives and to warn and defend people from danger; but it is always, always, so that the soul will have the opportunity to know, understand and accept Holy Love in their hearts.”

“As defender of truth, I am, therefore, the defender of Holy Love. Next to the Most Holy Mother of God, I hold Holy Love under my wings. Mary, Defender of All Virtue stands next to me – Her mantle round about me. This is with what esteem God regards the virtue of Holy Love, and with what importance He places upon Holy Love in hearts.”

“It does not matter a person's reputation, vocation, wealth or achievements in the world. His eternity is determined by the depth of Holy Love in his heart. Once the heart opens to Holy Love, God desires it be held secure; thus the role of all the angels.”

“It is Heaven's hope that souls come to appreciate this and learn to use the angels whenever Holy Love in their hearts is under attack in thought, word or deed.”

November 18, 2011
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I tell you, the more you spend the present moment thinking of Heavenly things, the closer you are to union with the Omnipresent God. This is God's Will for you; that the focus of your life and the center of your heart be on God.”

“No one can surrender his innermost spirit and be filled with union with God unless he first empties his heart of self and all worldly concern. These are all obstacles to union with God.”

“God does not impose; rather, He is always present – ready to fill the most destitute heart. First, the heart must open.”

“Pray this way:”

“Open my heart to a deep and abiding love of You, Heavenly Father. I realize that this is the way to a deeper union with Your Divine Will.”

“Empty my heart of any worldly concern; then fill me with love of You and love of my neighbor. I know this is the lasting peace You desire for me and for all mankind. Amen.”

December 24, 2011
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I am with you in every present moment. This is true of everyone's guardian angel. It is our job to help those in our charge to live in Holy Love; but I stand next to you as a Seraphim – the most powerful of all the angels. When you pray, I surround you with ministering angels that carry your prayers to God's Eternal Throne on High. Therefore, never be discouraged in prayer. Heaven has turned a benevolent ear towards you.”

“Do not be afraid to send me off to serve others. I, like all other Heavenly beings, can bi-locate. Therefore, I can assist others far away and still be with you. That is what it is like to live in Heaven where there is no time or space.”

“I am your strength in your weakness. I am your peace in any anxiety. I can turn the crudeness of people to mildness. I can suggest alternatives in the face of seeming failures or defeat.”

“Therefore, learn to depend on me all the more. I stand at your service – as your guardian and companion.”

January 11, 2012
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (My Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Lord Jesus, help me never to be an obstacle to God's Divine Will by my actions or inactions in thought, word or deed.”

“Say this prayer daily. It pleases the Lord.”

October 2, 2012
Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's guardian angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come, of course, to speak to you about guardian angels. Guardian angels are like the policemen of your soul. They are present to serve and to protect.”

“They influence moment to moment choices toward God's Will, for this is always the best choice. These angels shed light on evil and always attempt to lead the soul around Satan's snares.”

“These same angels stand guard over the soul's conscience, convicting it in any weakness towards Holy Love. One precious way these guardians serve is to encourage the soul in a deeper life of virtue, thereby taking the soul deeper into the United Hearts. As the guardians do this, they give the soul a strong distaste for sin.”

“So you understand more fully the vital role each guardian angel plays in salvation. Develop a closer relationship with your angel. Talk to him throughout the day. Ask him for his help. Ask him to touch the hearts of those you must deal with in any given moment by his speaking to their angels.”

“You will witness your guardian angel's profound influence.”

October 12, 2012
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

(Dictated by Alanus, Maureen's angel)

He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Prayer to Angel of U.S.A. – Zechariah

“Holy Angel, Zechariah, to you God has entrusted the protection and the guidance of this country. Send the Spirit of Truth into the heart of this nation. Let no legislation become law, or remain as law, which transgresses the Ten Commandments.”

“Carry the Light of Truth to all corners of this country and expose Satan's deceit, his lies and his plans for what they are. Help us to maintain our God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Amen.”

October 18, 2012
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to tell you that the battle between good and evil is always the battle between Truth and untruth. Therefore, it follows that the character of any one person can be determined by the person's adherence to the Truth. Once again, Truth is substantiated by the reality of facts.”

“Because someone says they are proclaiming the Truth, does not make it the Truth. You cannot summarily accept someone's version of the Truth until you have the real facts to support it.”

“Sad to say, these days Satan's lies have changed the future of the world.”

November 2, 2012
All Souls Day
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to tell you that Purgatory is very real. It is a place of spiritual anguish. The fires of Purgatory scorch the soul, but the greatest suffering is not being in the presence of God. I will tell you what leads the soul deep into the bowels of Purgatory. It is opinions. Opinions are the byproduct of free will. If free will is not formed in the Truth of Holy Love, then neither are the opinions that the soul forms. This is how many fall into sins which bind them in the abyss of Purgatory.”

“Some see only the faults of others – not realizing they themselves are guilty of the same faults. In such souls, there is a need for the enlightenment of Truth. Then their opinions will be formed in Truth and much time in Purgatory will be bypassed.”

“Pray to the poor souls daily for guidance. They want to help everyone avoid their own fate.”

November 20, 2012
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“In every present moment there is the ongoing battle between good and evil. The human spirit cannot recognize this without cooperating with the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth. The enemy's most powerful tactic is to disguise his presence and to obscure his attacks. He often wears the camouflage of seeming good.”

“But, to the soul familiar with Holy Love, the enemy's camouflage is easily discovered. This is why, in every present moment, it is so necessary to embrace Holy Love.”

“Wherever you have unrest and wars, you have a lack of Holy Love. All opposition to Holy Love is inspired by evil. Therefore, I am here to encourage all people and every nation – all laws and legislation – to embrace Holy Love. This is the path of peace and prosperity.”

“There is no other.”

December 23, 2012
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The Heart of Christmas has its origin, not in the Virginal Birth or in the Babe in the manger, but in the Heart of God the Father – the Eternal Now. Therefore, to be a part of the Heart of Christmas, you must, of necessity, be a part of the Heart of God by conforming to His Divine Will. Allow yourselves to be clothed in His Will.”

December 17, 2013
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“When you think of Jesus, think of a loving, forgiving God. He is not vengeful, eager to pounce upon the errant soul. He is All Mercy and All Love. His Heart mourns for those who do not respect the Truth and who abuse the position of authority He allows them to have.”

“Jesus does not await eagerly the hour in which His Justice will pour into the world. Rather, He dreads releasing His Justice upon the earth. Jesus knows what awaits the world if souls do not repent.”

“Apparitions such as this are God's way of reestablishing His Influence over souls and strengthening the Remnant Faithful.”

January 10, 2014
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Yesterday, dear charge of mine, you found your way to your destination obstructed, but I led you along the path of a detour. You safely reached your goal. How many in life are discouraged by the first obstruction to their personal holiness and never pursue an alternative route?”

“Personal holiness is not valued these days and so is not vigorously pursued. Any little distraction throws many into a dither; never to return to the ultimate goal of union with the Divine Will.”

“Of course, I make reference to the journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts, which in and of itself, is the straight path to union with God's Will. The undiscerning heart is easily misled by lack of approvals, rumors and calumnies. Thrown off track, they lose their way amongst even greater distractions in the world.”

“Some – many – never find their way back to the straight and narrow path of Holy Love through these Sacred Chambers. The detours they take do not reach the desired goal. All of these alternative routes are Satan's deception if they lead away from union with the Divine Will.”

“As your angel, I can keep you on track more easily as you see me. Those who do not see their angels must listen to the quiet whisperings in their hearts.”

March 15, 2014
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I am the spiritual compass of your heart. Every heart has such a compass. Some souls cannot ‘read' their compass – that is, they do not listen to their angels and they become lost along the way. Others are diverted, forgetting to check their compass, forgetting to notice where they are being led.”

“But, each soul has his angel to guide and protect his spiritual journey. These days, souls need to be reminded of what direction they travel.” *

* This is one of the purposes of the Lenten Season.

April 1, 2014
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The world is filled with many angels, all of which are attempting to draw souls into Holy Love. The angels continually lay bare the path to St. Joseph's Vestibule, the antechamber to the United Hearts. Angels are sent to protect and guide every precious soul once he enters this Vestibule of Grace. Angels help souls who lose their way, back onto the path of Holy Love.”

“I speak on behalf of all my fellow angels. There is one from each choir surrounding the United Hearts.”

“There is no aspect of human existence that the angels do not try to influence in favor of Holy Love.”

October 2, 2014
Feast of the Guardian Angels
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

I (Maureen) asked him how he was.

He said, “I'm doing well according to God's Will. But, today, I have come to speak to you about the angels. Each angel has its own personality as you have noticed throughout the years. Some exude strength. Others are more docile. All, however, are powerful and protective and guide the souls in their charge to the Light of Truth.”

“You asked St. Michael last night why the guardian angels were not doing their job in the world today. Each soul needs to be open to the positive guidance of their angels. Remember, St. Michael told you years ago that as much power as God has given him, he is completely helpless in the face of man's free will. The more man sinks into sin and away from God, the more difficult it is for him to recognize and respond to the positive suggestions of his angel.”

“Some angels are, in particular, warrior angels. They are assigned to persons of influence in the world to combat the many demons assigned to these influential people and to help them to lead in righteousness.”

“Every unborn child has an angel. If the baby is destroyed through the sin of abortion, the angel returns to Heaven. There are fierce battles being waged around and in abortion clinics.”

“Good angels stand guard over good nations. Evil demons stand guard over nations governed by evil.* If a good and righteous nation begins a moral decline, the good angel watching over it is in constant battle. He may call in brigades of angels to his aid. Most nations previously on the side of righteousness but challenged by the abuse of authority and the compromise of Truth, find themselves in this situation today. Their angles are busy.”

“Bodies of water have angels as well – some harmful to life; likewise in buildings and neighborhoods.”

“Never cease calling upon your angels. We will help you in your every need. It is our duty and our joy.”

* An example being today – ISIS.

November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Day
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I join you in giving thanks to God for all His goodness and His grace. Most especially, let us give thanks for the bounty of His Mercy which reaches from age to age and allows the world to continue despite its fall from grace.”

“I give thanks for the graciousness of this Mission amongst error, for the Truth put forth in these Messages and the perseverance of all involved in their propagation. The Mission is God's grace in action.”

“My prayer today is that all misunderstandings be resolved, that clarity be recognized between good and evil, and that every stage of life be respected. Join me in my prayer intentions.”

Read Psalm 65 *

Thanksgiving for Earth's Bounty

Praise is due to You, O God, in Zion; and to You shall vows be performed, O You who answer prayer! To You all flesh shall come. When deeds of iniquity overwhelm us, You forgive our transgressions. Happy are those whom You choose and bring near to live in Your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your Holy Temple. By awesome deeds You answer us with deliverance, O God of our salvation; You are the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas. By Your strength You established the mountains; You are girded with might. You silence the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, the tumult of the peoples. Those who live at earth's farthest bounds are awed by Your signs; You make the gateways of the morning and the evening shout for joy. You visit the earth and water it, You greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; You provide the people with grain, for so You have prepared it. You water its furrows abundantly, settling its ridges, softening it with showers, and blessing its growth. You crown the year with Your bounty; Your wagon tracks overflow with richness. The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy, the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy.

* -Scripture verses asked to be read by Alanus.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.

October 2, 2015
Feast of the Guardian Angels
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus,* my (Maureen) guardian angel, comes and spreads his wings out. They look like a rainbow. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to say that it is past time for good to be united against evil. People waste time opposing one another when all good should work together towards the victory of Holy Love in hearts. Once again, I tell you, if you oppose Holy Love, you are strengthening evil. Satan knows the intrinsic spiritual wealth of this Mission.** That is why he encourages so much opposition. If Satan sees the good assets of this Mission, I admonish those who are reluctant to open their eyes to the Truth.”

“When you oppose Holy Love, you are opposing God.”

* Alanus comes from the Latin, ‘alanus', meaning “wing of God.”

** The ecumenical Mission and Ministry of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Acts 5:38-39+

Synopsis: Consequences of opposing a mission coming from God vs. man-made mission.

“So in the present case, I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone; because if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them – in that case you may even be found fighting against God!”

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Alanus.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.

June 11, 2016
Alanus (a Guardian Angel of Maureen)

Alanus (Maureen's Guardian Angel) says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The conversion of the heart of the world is key to the future of the world. The heart of man needs to align with the Will of God. The Will of God is the Two Commandments of Love which is Holy Love. Therefore, efforts to oppose this Mission* of Holy Love calls upon God's Justice. Certainly, a soul can choose to live in Holy Love without knowing about this Mission. However, knowing of this Mission and opposing it carries grave responsibility before the Eyes of God.”

“This Mission of Holy Love is in the world in an effort to call the heart of man away from evil and into God's Will. Today however, it has become ‘in vogue' to accommodate evil and to challenge good. The Heart of the Lord cannot bear much longer these grievous transgressions. Heed my warning today or bear the consequences.”

* The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.