
August 30, 2002
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Sienna comes and sits in front of me. Then she stands and recites the Divine Praises. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear child, listen to what I have come to say. The image that many and most have of Church officials today is not what it should be. Setting aside the recent scandals, the feeling that Diocesan authority evokes in hearts is one of control, reprimand and retaliation towards those who cross them. The Church should be like a loving parent figure–ready to listen, understand and support. Correction should be gentle and loving, not vindictive.”

“Today–sadly, many in the Church do not lead in Holy Love, but rather rule with an iron fist. Further, there is a general spirit of denial which has become apparent in the scandals recently revealed–denial to the degree of not assuming responsibility for their own wrongdoing–denial in the sense of continuing to try to lead despite loss of credibility–denial in regards to Heavenly interventions in the form of apparitions.”

“But, what no one can deny is their responsibility before God–their accountability to Jesus for their lives here in the world, and the fulfillment of their vocations given them.”

“A dark curtain has fallen over the Church, sealing off the majority of Church leadership from the people, and from the movement of the Holy Spirit. This has been the choice of those who choose power and money over Holy Love.”

“You will please make this known.”

December 18, 2002
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena comes. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please begin to understand that every good thing comes from love. God is Love. This is why Christ's victory will be a Victory of Love.”

“Every effort to evangelize must arise from a heart filled with Holy Love. When others can see and feel your love, they begin to desire to be close to you and to be like you. This is how fruitful evangelization begins–with Holy Love.”

April 30, 2003
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Sienna comes. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. I place this Message in your heart. You must place it in the world.”

“In any and all moral issues there can be no neutrality. Remember, Jesus said: ‘If you are not for Me, you are against Me.' Our Lady has told you – not to decide is to decide. I will explain: If you do not support righteousness, your lack of support lends strength to evil.”

“Here, I am not talking about decision-making and the time involved in drawing to conclusion your decision between good and evil – although in most cases this should not be a drawn-out process. I am speaking about ‘fence-sitting' – a more serious offense than most suspect – in the eyes of God. This is the negative action whereby a person attempts to placate both sides of an issue. This stance, if chosen by a political or Church leader, allows evil to flourish and many souls to be misled.”

“To stand up for righteousness means God is on your side. Do not fear loss of popularity, money or power. God must be your strength. Furthermore, you are not a peacemaker by straddling the fence. You cannot make peace with evil. There is never a sound reason to compromise righteousness.”

“Make this known.”

January 23, 2006
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Sienna comes. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“People these days do not realize the moment to moment warfare they are engaged in. Satan disguises his attacks in many ways. For instance, a soul does not need to lose his temper to cooperate with the spirit of anger. Anger takes on many forms–unforgiveness of self or others, pouting, depression–even procrastination is a form of anger. When the soul cooperates with any of these kindred spirits of anger, he is playing into the hands of Satan.”

“Anger, as with any other spirit, is a form of self-love which is inordinate in desire. Self has taken over the center of the heart–replacing love of God and neighbor. This, of course, opposes unity and promotes conflict.”

“Remember, as well, when you find fault with your neighbor, you had better look into your own heart with honesty and with courage. Very often the same fault you see in your neighbor is, in fact, a fault you need to work on. Because Satan is a lying spirit, he convinces you it is your neighbor who has such and such a fault.”

“Keep your wits about you. Do not let your guard down. Before, you knew nothing of the enemy. Now, you know he is everything that opposes Holy Love in the present moment.”

February 5, 2007
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Sienna says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to help you realize how it is that compromise of the true faith can so easily take root in hearts these days. Compromise is the bad fruit of inordinate self-love and a weakness in Holy Love. Always, when Holy Love becomes weak or flawed in the heart, self-love takes root in that empty part of the heart.”

“Compromise appeals to an arrogant ego–an ego that does not recognize an accountability for his actions. Compromise promotes the hidden agenda of power, avarice and control. It is always self-serving. Compromise of the faith convolutes the truth to serve self and not God.”

“This is why it is important always to evaluate what is being presented as truth , and not the title of the one who presents it.”

July 17, 2007
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Sienna says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“When you discern, it must be without the influence of human emotion. If emotions enter in, the discernment is no longer spiritual but merely an emotional opinion.”

February 12, 2008
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Sister, if the Church desires to safeguard its authority, then it must safeguard its tradition; for it is when tradition is challenged that authority is challenged. Instead of attacking the good and the truth that pours through these Messages, the hierarchy and those aspiring to be hierarchy, should pay close attention to the rebellion within the Church itself.”

“Do not worry about controlling this ecumenical ministry, for Our Mother reaches out to all people and all nations. This is all inclusive, Catholics, as well.”

April 11, 2008
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I desire that you understand the inner elements of trust. When the Lord asks a soul to trust, the heart is then set adrift in a period of waiting,waiting to see how the Lord will act and what the Divine Will desires. At times, the soul may feel abandoned,not knowing how long his wait upon the Lord will be. In a sense, this is much like Purgatory, in that the Poor Souls do not know how long they must wait for their deliverance into Eternal Glory.”

“So it would be wise to ask the assistance of the Poor Souls whenever God tells you to trust. They will help you wait upon the Lord, and you can pray for their patience during their time of waiting. Yes, trusting is much like a little Purgatory on earth.”

April 24, 2008
St. Catherine of Siena


St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I wish to describe to you the proper disposition of heart for those who come to this apparition site, especially for the first time. Jesus desires that the heart of each pilgrim be open, that the heart be a blank page for Him to write upon. The less the pilgrim knows of others' opinions, the better. There are, as with every apparition site, many false rumors and false discernment attacking this place of Heaven's predilection.”

“Jesus does not like people to come with preconceived ideas of what may take place here. Therefore, do not anticipate any certain grace. Each one's pilgrimage is individual. Some may receive a profound illumination of conscience, others not.”

“Do not look for proof of all that takes place here as being from Heaven. Do not come here to find fault. That is not discernment.”

“Let your hearts be open to the individual experience that God has in store for you, knowing full well that Immaculate Mary invited you here to deepen your relationship with Her Son and God the Father. Allow the Spirit of Truth to carry you deeper into an intimate relationship with the Holy Trinity.”

“Do not compare your experience here with anyone else's, for no two are alike. God knows best how to reach each heart. When you share your experiences, do so giving God the glory, for all grace comes from His Mercy and His Love. Never present yourself as being chosen or special or all-knowing in any way. Remember, humility is the first step on the stairway to holiness. There is a proper way to evangelize just as there is a proper way to do anything.”

“Do not allow your heart to be filled with judgment against Heaven's efforts here. You do not gain merit in God's Eyes by opposing Him. You only invoke His Judgment. Such a one cooperates with evil.”

“Make a sincere heartfelt ‘Act of Contrition' * before you come onto the property. Grace will then fill your heart.”

* Act of Contrition (Traditional)

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments,
but most of all, because they offend Thee, my God,
Who art all-good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more
and to avoid in the near occasion of sin. Amen.

May 20, 2008
St. Catherine of Siena


St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today Jesus sends me once again,this time to address priests who come to the property. Priests should read the message given to pilgrims. [Refer to “Instructions to Pilgrims,” message of 4/24/08.] Then they should read this message to better partake of the graces shown forth here.”

“Priests are called here by the Mother of God. She knows each one by name. The Immaculata intends to strengthen vocations at this apparition site so that the priests can better serve Her children. Therefore, it is asked the priests come with an open heart,not judging, not depending upon high-powered approvals,in order to believe. Allow the Messages to reach your hearts so that you are able to encourage others to believe.”

“The Holy Mother desires to take each priest by the hand, leading him into the Chambers of the United Hearts. In this way, She will transform your hearts, illuminate your consciences, and lead you towards Unitive Love. Do not hold back fearing loss of reputation or any type of reprisal. Every priest is called upon this spiritual journey and to accept the truth of this Mission. Surrender with your whole heart and nothing will be held in abeyance from you.”

“Further, I have been sent by the Holy Mother to point out that priests too often ignore Heavenly intervention out of pharisaical or intellectual pride. Please understand that the Pharisees compulsively stood by the letter of the law while ignoring the heart of the law, which is Holy Love itself. Therefore, I urge you, do not condemn these treasures of spirituality offered here for lack of approvals by those who falsely accuse and judge. Rather, allow your hearts to be transformed by the heart of the Message,Holy Love.”

“God is ready to richly embellish your vocation with many graces if you do so.”

June 15, 2008
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, all over the world, little pockets of the Remnant Faithful are forming, but only from this particular Site are they being called into the Chambers of the United Hearts. There are others who claim such messages,they are false. Further, at this Site, the Rosary of the Unborn is strengthening the Remnant in their resolve to put an end to the crime of abortion.”

“For these reasons and more, Jesus is asking for the formation of home rosary groups. These groups would be devoted to the Messages and the spirituality that emanates from them, as well as recitation of the Rosary of the Unborn. Heaven is not raising up ‘new visionaries' or ‘messengers' in these groups, but encourages that all that has been said here be lived out from the heart. Enough has been given here that challenges each soul to perfection. It is a trap of Satan to look for more or to claim to be chosen.”

“Your prayers and your commitment is what Jesus sends me to ask for. He awaits your response.”

June 24, 2008
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Do not readily accept opinions of those who cannot be criticized themselves. Such as these are more interested in safeguarding their own reputation and position in the Church or in the world than in knowing and proclaiming the Truth. When someone knows the Truth but does not support it, they commit a sin of omission.”

“Therefore, it is each individual's responsibility to uncover the Truth and live by it, even though someone of title may not agree. Each soul must be obedient to the Truth first and foremost. This is how to live in righteousness. This is how to live in the Truth of Holy Love.”

May 22, 2009
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I have come to offer advice on the way of perfection through the journey in Holy and Divine Love. The soul must desire perfection with his whole heart; that is, with his free will he chooses to practice the virtues, and chooses not to embrace any spirit which opposes virtue. These opposing spirits enter the heart through self-love.”

“Take, for instance, impatience; the soul becomes impatient when he chooses the ‘woe is me' attitude….'look at what is happening to me'. Sometimes it is a good solution to laugh at the roadblocks Satan puts in your way.”

“Another trap to take the soul away from perfection is choosing a sensitive spirit. Such a soul is unforgiving, brooding, a pouter and lives in the past allowing Satan to steal the present moment. The soul, please note, chooses these spirits himself. He keeps himself in a constant turmoil trying to get closer to Jesus and wondering why he can't.”

“So today, I reveal to you, unless you choose to purge your heart of such spirits, your deeper holiness will always be foiled. You will not be in the light of truth but on the outside trying to be perfected in your own way.”

August 13, 2009
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Child, listen carefully. Those who oppose the Mission have not based their opinions upon the truth found in these Messages, but on worldly wisdom. This is a wisdom inspired by greed, love of power, ambition and jealousy. None of these are from God.”

“Sanctifying wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit–the Spirit of Truth. It does not seek its own advantage, for it does not proceed from disordered self-love. Therefore, such wisdom is clothed in Holy Love, not self-love.”

“Once again, you must realize that Satan and his minions mimic every gift of the Holy Spirit. People must pray for discernment which is based upon right reason. Right reason is always Holy Love.”

“Here, then, is a prayer:”

Prayer for Wisdom

“Most Holy Spirit, flood my heart with only right reason which
is based upon Holy Love. In this way, lead me in true wisdom–
wisdom which has no selfish motive. Such wisdom flows from
and fulfills the Divine Will of God. Use me through such a grace.

September 1, 2009
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I invite all to understand that there are evil forces trying to influence your decisions in politics, religious circles and in moral situations. Satan makes evil appear good–even righteous–with the use of labels and inuendos.”

“This is precisely why God the Father has sent this Mission of Holy Love into the world. Holy Love must be the basis for all your decisions. Is your decision in any of these areas for the common good and towards your own salvation and the salvation of others? If this is so, then do not be persuaded otherwise. Holy Love always supports the truth–never any compromise of the truth. Holy Love always embraces the Ten Commandments.”

“You must let Holy Love embrace and surround your hearts as a protection against evil influences. Where Holy Love is, there is the Most Holy Trinity.”

November 18, 2009
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please realize that Satan is actively opposing this Ministry. He is trying to transform belief in the truth of these Messages into a forbidden act of disobedience. Do not be tricked, but realize that Heaven is offering abundant graces and fruits here to those who will open their hearts.”

“Historically, authorities have closed their hearts to private revelations, and with dire consequences. Specifically, I refer to Joan of Arc – even Fatima. If mankind had been urged to heed the warnings given by the Mother of God at Fatima, lives and souls could have been saved. World War II could have been averted.”

“Here at this site Heaven is trying to win the war against evil in hearts. Such an effort should be encouraged by one and all. Instead, it is presented as something to avoid. It is mankind who seeks to destroy. Heaven will not be conquered by Satan's lies. Truth will reign victorious. No one can rule against Heaven's grace.”

“Do not be fooled to believe you are not allowed to come. Heaven calls you here.”

February 27, 2010
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“True discernment must be free of self-interest. It is self-interest which imposes upon the Will of God and misdirects those who must lead in righteousness.”

“This same self-interest promotes evil agendas which Satan clothes in goodness.”

“Without discernment through the Holy Spirit, whole nations have been led astray.”

March 17, 2010
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The Lord has sent me today to speak to you about spiritual pride. This is the culprit that comes against Heaven's work here and at many apparition sites.”

“Spiritual pride is a sanctimonious, self-righteous attitude whereby the soul believes he has all Truth and will not accept the gifts that the Holy Spirit bestows on others. Deep within spiritual pride is often hidden a spirit of spiritual envy. This envy denounces the gifts of others because these same gifts have not been given to themselves; therefore, the spiritually envious denounces the gifts of others, declaring them false or non-existent.”

“This is the reason that many seemingly good people come against the good of Heaven's efforts here. Of course there may be other sinister works deep within the heart of those given over to such pride. Every soul fights his own battles towards perfection. But the danger in the spiritually proud is that they do not see or recognize any error in themselves.”

“A very real pitfall in the spiritually proud heart is false discernment.”

April 29, 2010
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Always defend the truth no matter if it is to a person of high rank or to the lowliest of the low. Truth bears the fruit of love. Love crowns truth in every instance. Truth and love are the weight-bearers of every virtue. When one is missing, the whole of the virtue falls.”

“When you defend the truth, God defends you. Truth can only be compromised by a heart which is compromised. Such a heart redefines truth to serve his own agenda. Do not be fooled. The honest heart never finds conforming to the truth difficult.”

May 13, 2010
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Holy Love is all truth – all righteousness. Therefore, understand Holy Love cannot be compromised. Every issue – political, religious or otherwise is surrounded and based upon the acceptance or lack of acceptance of Holy Love in the heart.”

“This must not be neutralized by diplomacy or any attempt to avoid an unpopular opinion. Here the axiom, ‘Do not please man but please God' must always be applied. This requires courageous conviction of heart. Believe this wholeheartedly and do not let Satan persuade you otherwise.”

“Sometimes the enemy comes clothed in the goodness of being the peacemaker in situations of conflict. You must always be the peacemaker clothed in Holy Love – not compromise of Holy Love; that way, God defends you.”

“Neutrality clouds the truth.”

July 9, 2010
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come as Jesus allows, to speak to you about loyalty. These days your city is suffering from the lack of loyalty of a sports star who has defected to another city. The Heart of the Eternal Father, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary suffer moment to moment due to lack of loyalty in hearts.”

“There is the disloyalty of those who abandon the truth – the precepts of faith – not to mention the pursuit of personal holiness. There are still others who abandon loyalty to themselves by not searching their hearts to discover how many ways they could please Jesus more. Many graces await those who do so.”

“There are many, even whole ideologies, that embrace sin under the guise of pleasing God, when really they are cooperating with evil.”

“So you see, disloyalty can cause the soul eternal death when he misplaces his loyalties in the pursuit of Satan's follies which are too often clothed in goodness.”

“Be loyal to the truth of Holy Love; then all graces will be abundantly given you.”

August 17, 2010
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I come to impart to the world a teaching on humility of heart. Spiritually speaking, the heart must strive to be perfected in Holy Love; that is, the heart is Holy Love. But the interior of the heart must be humility. Humility is the substance which makes the heart beat. In other words humility moves the soul to embrace and act in Holy Love in thought, word and deed.”

“Just as Holy Love is truth itself, Holy Humility is truth, for humility allows the soul to see where he stands in the Eyes of God. In truth the soul is no more nor no less than he is in God's All-Knowing Eyes.”

“In humility there is no pretense of virtue. The humble heart does not permit himself to practice virtue to impress others. Such virtue is false. The humble-hearted can receive genuine constructive correction with ease. He is ready to accept his frailties and to correct them. He is also ready to believe in and accept God's Mercy.”

“The humble soul lives to serve others and not self – 2 Philippians 4. He, therefore, does not focus on how everything affects himself but is solicitous to others' feelings.”

“The ardent heart should pray for humility every day.”

August 27, 2010
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I come as Jesus sends me to help God's children to understand the power of communication and of miscommunication. One misplaced word can destroy a reputation, breed division or encourage evil. Today it is not just the tongue or the written word that communicates, but also many and various electronic devices. By the press of one button, a great deal of harm can fall upon reputation, missions found worthy – even inspired by Heaven – and bring evil plans into the hearts of many.”

“For the most part, care is not given to upholding the Commandments through the use of any form of modern communication or even the use of the tongue today. Opinions are formed without searching out the truth. The results are actions based upon misinformation. Error masquerades as truth. People presume to be acting in truth when it is Satan that inspires them.”

“This is why Holy Love must be at the center of all hearts. Holy Love, which embodies the two great Commandments, dictates that you always search out the truth even if the truth is self-incriminating.”

Read James 3: 4-10

December 7, 2010
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today in the modern world of electronics, free license is given to every form of detraction, rash judgment and calumny. There are no moral boundaries; no one's reputation is sacrosanct.”

“It behooves any soul who pursues holiness to refrain from naively believing everything that he sees, hears or reads, for truth is rarely a criteria in these modern forms of communications. The soul who falls privy to so much information needs to search out the truth.”

January 10, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I have come to help you realize that the ongoing of this Ministry in this day and age is, in and of itself, a miracle. People of great influence and eminence have come against this apparition site in word and deed, and yet the miracles continue.”

“Take, for instance, the statues which often come alive and are the subject of miraculous photos. The Sorrowful Mother image in particular, as promised many years ago, is seen and photographed with flesh-like tones. Her Face is often witnessed as lifelike. Then there are the sightings of various heavenly beings all over the property, and in the sky as well. There are miraculous healings from the spring water and even from touching the statues by some.”

“Then there are the Messages – themselves a miracle in leading thousands to spiritual renewal and personal holiness.”

“All of these things continue despite opposition – despite power plays and false discernment. Be encouraged then and persevere in faith.”

February 15, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please understand that I come to you only out of the need to clarify and dispel confusion concerning the Truth. Anyone can speak in what appears to be the Truth, but words can easily be clothed in pretentious garments which conceal falsehood. That is why it is important in discerning fact from fiction, that the soul does not pay heed to who is speaking but to what is being said.”

“Holy Love is Truth. Therefore, it should be the barometer of all truth. If what is being said contradicts the Commandments of Holy Love, then it is not Truth.”

“This must be your standard of acceptance and belief.”

February 25, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to tell you that many, many people are held captive within their own hearts. These are the ones that sadly have closed the door of their hearts to Holy Love. Many have even thrown the ‘key' away. Perhaps they read Jesus' words in Scripture when He commanded everyone to live in Holy Love. Perhaps they know about this Mission of Holy Love – have read the Messages, and even received many graces here. Yet they choose not to believe and not to live in Holy Love. In their hearts they are not at peace, for they are opposing Heaven itself.”

“Anyone who opens his eyes to see the state of the soul of the world must realize there is need of profound conversion. Anyone that does not recognize this is part of the problem rather than part of the solution. No one will enter the Kingdom who does not love God above all else and neighbor as self. You do not need someone to tell you that it is okay to believe this. Jesus told you to believe it!”

“Today sin has become a legal right. False religions are promoting violence and terrorism. Satan is waiting in the wings – waiting to take over the entire world. In so doing, he would threaten your right to worship as you choose. Pray that this day never comes.”

“But now today, you have the right to believe in this Mission; wisely choose to do so.”

May 4, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Humility of heart precludes any pride in graces received or spiritual gifts given. The truly humble soul does not claim any self-importance. He does not see himself as the bearer of gifts but rather the unworthy recipient of God's generous Provision. He, in humility, gives all glory to God.”

“Further, he does not seek recognition as being one who has many spiritual gifts. Many say they give glory to God, but in their hearts take pride in God's actions through them.”

St. Catherine of Siena

Given by St. Catherine of Siena
False Virtue/ False Gifts vs. Genuine Virtue/ Genuine Gifts

June 7, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena

A Always have Holy Love in your heart
B Be holy
C Call upon the Name of the Lord or His Mother in every need
D Delight in doing good
E Excuse your neighbor's faults
F Forgive and forget
G Give to those in need
H Holy Love is the answer, and the way to Heaven
I Ignore those who persecute you
J Jesus should be the center of your life
K Knock and the door shall be opened to you
L Leave the world behind
M Make many sacrifices
N Never break the Commandments of Love
O Open your heart to prayer
P Place God and others first
Q Quiet your heart and listen to the Lord
R Remember Holy Love in the present moment
S Speak always in Holy Love
T Turn your hearts and your lives over to the Divine Will through Holy Love
U Unite your hearts to the United Hearts
V Virtues must be your building blocks of holiness
W Win hearts for Jesus by evangelizing Holy Love
X XXXX Many kisses to Jesus and Mary
Y Your Will, Lord, not my own
Z Zero in on personal holiness through Holy Love

June 15, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please realize that those who seek their peace and security through passing things will always be at unrest. Worldly gain – power, popularity, riches, physical beauty – do not follow you into the next life.”

“You must place the Message of Holy Love in the center of your heart, and at the apex of your existence. Living in Holy Love is not an Everest that few can conquer. Living in Holy Love is a goal all can achieve if they choose it. Herein lies the secret to your peace and security in this life, and your salvation in the next. Choose Holy Love with your free will.”

October 9, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to tell you the reasons why disbelief of the Messages and the Mission itself exist in the world today. These are spiritual pride, spiritual envy and a failure to search out and to recognize the truth.”

“Spiritual pride is a smug attitude that believes only in himself – his inspirations. In short, the spiritually proud is self-righteous.”

“The spiritually envious are those who want to be as holy – as inspired and as believed in – as someone else. These are like ‘wannabe' visionaries and mystics.”

“Those who fail to search out and to recognize the truth are the ones given over to rash judgment (which is false discernment), compromise and sometimes even calumnies when they propagate error.”

October 20, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please regard the oyster I am holding. On the outside, the shell is rough – unattractive; but on the inside, if you search you might discover a precious pearl. It is so with souls, as well. Often the roughness of character that presents itself outwardly belies the empathy, wisdom and Holy Love that is below the surface.”

“Think, as well, about the present moment. Too often it presents itself as difficult, unattractive and filled with obstacles. Yet, I tell you, just as the oyster holds secret treasures, every present moment holds the grace of salvation, personal holiness – even sanctification. No present moment is devoid of grace. Every present moment comes wrapped in God's Will just as the little pearl, deep in the oyster, is God's Will.”

October 22, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Complete surrender is the passkey to sanctification. This is because complete surrender is complete acceptance of God's Will. When you can accept God's Will, you are living in God's Will – you have surrendered to God's Will.”

“No one can enter the New Jerusalem outside of God's Will. As Holy Love is God's Will, each one must surrender to Holy Love.”

November 13, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today it is difficult at best to know whom to trust. Often events take unexpected turns when the ones you trusted turn against you. It is true in every walk of life and in many circles where people must lead and direct a multitude of others.”

“This is why I come to encourage you once again to let Holy Love be the measure of fairness and good will amongst all people and all nations. Those that hold Holy Love in their hearts will not betray righteousness. It is only when Holy Love is compromised that morals are compromised.”

“This is a statement about the depth of Holy Love in many hearts today. Most nations suffer moral degeneration. No institution is untouched by compromise. Many who should be energetic in saving souls actually take actions with contrary results.”

“The truth is fair game for the degenerate tongue. Only in and through Holy Love can you recognize the depth and motives which oppose Heaven's work.”

“I am praying more understand this.”

November 30, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to lay bare a great obstacle on the journey through the Chambers of the United Hearts. It is, perhaps, the primary obstacle to Holy Love in the heart. It is self-centeredness. The self-centered person views all things in relation to how they affect himself. His own self-interests are his priority which displaces God in his heart. This disordered self-love is the enemy of Holy Love.”

“Such depth of self-love is based upon lack of humility. It is the inordinate self-love which leads to every sin – to name a few: jealousy, unforgiveness, impatience and distorted thinking. Often such a soul gives in to a pouting spirit – a disordered woundedness that will not practice forgiveness.”

“Jesus has sent me today to point these things out. Every soul needs to search his heart, for all hearts are open to self-centeredness at some point in life.”

“Further, Jesus wants people to know that self-centeredness distorts the truth, urging the soul to form a distorted truth to fit his own needs. This compromised truth is a lying spirit. It leads to disunity and false discernment.”

“So, you must see how a self-centered heart is the work of evil.”

December 18, 2011
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The little prayer you received from Our Holy Mother, to be recited for nine days before Christmas, is Heaven's attempt to reconcile mankind with his Creator through the Light of Truth.”

“Hearts will be awakened to the Truth, but the sooner the better for the sake of the future of the world.”

January 20, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Concern for the future is a binding chain on the heart of spirituality. It shows lack of trust in God's Provision even unto the present moment. These days some scramble to gain any ‘knowledge' or ‘proposed knowledge' as to what the future holds. They place their faith very often in people and not in God.”

“Your security is in trust in God's Provision, not in elaborate survival schemes. This is the hour when you need to pursue deeper personal holiness, for therein lies your peace. Every present moment is a treasure trove of grace, which you cannot possibly appreciate if your heart is in the future.”

“This Ministry, the property and the Messages, will remain a source of inspiration, grace and peace for all to partake of. All are called to come and do so. Surrender to this loving invitation.”

January 22, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “All praise be to Jesus.”

“When you pray, pray that the Blood of Christ's Passion stands between this president and his reelection. Too many innocent lives have been lost due to his policies.”

January 29, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“These days, given over to excess, people search out happiness in all that is passing – materialism, physical appearance, reputation. If they cannot be satisfied in such as these, they may turn to every form of vile sin.”

“Wisdom* is often based upon standards such as these – false and temporary. True Wisdom comes with the knowledge that the Kingdom of God (which, in essence, is Holy Love) lies within, when the soul surrenders to Holy Love. This is a kingdom which can be everlasting according to free will. It is happiness which bears peace in the heart. The soul is refreshed and satisfied, not always searching for something more. This is a happiness that is not received through the senses – does not satisfy ego – but quiets the spirit within. This is a joy which does not lead away from God, but unites the soul ever closer to God.”

“Leaders in all realms of life need to pursue this Kingdom of God within. This is their means of righteous leadership. This Kingdom of God within leads in Truth and loving concern. Entire nations take heed.”

* This is human wisdom; not the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

February 7, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“As your country faces another election year, Heaven is praying that a wise choice will be made. Every nation deserves a wise leader – a leader who wants what is best for the people he governs – a leader that is sincere and parental towards those he is chosen to lead.”

“What you should beware of – what you do not want in a leadership position – is a duplicitous politician full of self-interest and hidden agendas. This type of leader is not a leader in the best interests of the nation, but of self-advancement and cannot succeed in governing this country past the problems it now faces – nationally and globally.”

February 8, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“As with every generation, there is God's Law and there is man's law present in the world today. The two should be supportive – one of the other. When man imposes his free will in opposition to God's Law, the righteous must stand up in defense of God's Divine Will, which is represented by His Laws.”

“Mere man must not dictate matters of conscience. Therefore, no one – no matter his station in life – can say you must freely support birth control and abortion. No one can dictate that you must not come to the property here to pray. Although this has never been stated, many have been misled to believe so.”

“This is an age when you must be certain of your God-given rights, and not be afraid to practice them. Do not be intimidated by power and title. Come against those that oppose good with your prayers. If you do not, you lend strength to evil intentions.”

“The enemy does not want you to know these things. His smoke is all around every good effort, trying to eliminate it. Pray that he doesn't succeed.”

March 21, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“These days evil is becoming more and more apparent to the wise and discerning heart. Decades ago a Mission such as this would have been wisely and fairly considered; but today the true value of this Mission is not only overlooked, it is opposed.”

“If Holy Love were a nuclear weapon, it would be considered the most powerful weapon of all – the weapon to outdo every other weapon – the weapon sought after by all. The thought of its existence would make people tremble with fright, and would wield hearts submissive to its power. The future of every nation that had this weapon would be one of power and prestige.”

“But I tell you, Holy Love is all of this. It is the most powerful weapon a heart can possess. It is the defeat of Satan, the enemy of all mankind. People do not recognize the power and value of Holy Love, for they do not recognize the power and value of what lies hidden in the heart. If people could ‘see' with the eyes of Truth, the virtue of Holy Love would be sought out by everyone!”

“Whole nations would be brought to their knees and Nineveh would be converted. God would not allow His Wrath to visit earth.”

“As it is, people seek after externals. They see sin as freedoms, not slavery to Satan. People do not recognize the value of personal holiness, and the power it has to change the world.”

“Holy Love is the strength of prayer. Do not allow anyone to discourage you in this. Come often to the property and pray here. The pilgrimage increases the strength of your prayers.”

March 22, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The heart that is not steeped in Holy Love is like a defenseless nation. It lies vulnerable to any attack of the enemy. It is Holy Love that enables the heart to recognize the enemy and to defend itself against every attack. The stronger Holy Love is in the heart, the stronger the fortress is against evil.”

“Evil is making itself more visible today, for Holy Love is not so prominent in hearts. Therefore, evil is not recognized as such, and the enemy of every soul is able to make great inroads into hearts virtually unnoticed.”

“The attacks upon this Ministry alone are a sign of this. Begin to see this Ministry and these Messages as a fortification against evil. Perhaps then you will understand why Satan is attacking Holy Love with such vehemence.”

March 24, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please understand that when you think good thoughts about people a Spirit of Goodness fills the air around you. Positive responses to this Spirit begin to take hold of the present moment.”

“Negativity breeds negativity and fosters a negative response in the world around you. This is not of God Who seeks the welfare of each soul and of the world in general.”

March 28, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“You might not understand what I am about to tell you. Put it down anyway in the form of a graphic. Others will understand.”

April 18, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“One error, which is most important to take note of and to correct these days, is that mankind has come to depend too much on himself instead of God. This is why, in times ahead, God will permit events to take place in the world which, consequently, will force humanity to turn to God for very basic needs.”

“But, to those who learn to trust now in every little thing, trust in greater things will not be so daunting a task. You must come to know and love the Heart of God, for He is so ready to be united with all mankind. With a loving heart, love God's Will for you – knowing He only chooses the best for you and the needs of your salvation. It is through God's Divine Will He chooses union with man, and man must choose union with God. This is the way to peace in every trial.”

April 29, 2012
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Trust is the foundation of Hope. Hope is the doorway to Joy. Joy is the fruit of an optimistic heart. So you see how Trust is important in the spiritual journey. It is the ticket that admits the soul to the pathway of personal holiness.”

April 30, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“You must depend on the Light of the Holy Spirit to reveal to souls the path they are following. Do not rely on the imminence of certain events. Turn to the Spouse of the Most Holy Virgin to enlighten and guide souls in every present moment as to their next step, and as to the path they are pursuing.”

“These days souls pay no heed as to their relationship with God. People are too self-reliant and not God-reliant. Grace is discounted as a source of provision. This is why hearts are in need of enlightenment now.”

May 2, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Openness to self-knowledge is the key to personal holiness. Indeed, self-knowledge is the catalyst which propels the soul along the path of holiness. No one can improve in anything unless he sees where he must improve. The grace of self-knowledge is given here freely.”

“Sadly, some who come search out what they hope to find, which is physical evidence of the reality of this Mission or some error in Heaven's work here.”

“But the Truth must exist in hearts first before the soul can recognize and appreciate the graces given here. The soul must be able to separate good from evil in his own heart, and in the world around him. This means he must open his heart to recognize where he lacks Holy Love.”

May 15, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I cannot stress enough the importance of a simplistic, childlike heart which is the short path into the Chambers of the United Hearts. So many will not accept the importance of this spiritual journey. They have disparaging spirits – always minimizing the importance of this call – always finding excuses not to believe. This spiritual journey is given freely as a clear path of light to salvation and personal holiness.”

“It would seem some prefer the obscure path strewn with temptations, false discernment and worldly concerns. These are the ones who still live in attachment to the world. They make their choices, not based on Truth, but upon their own false opinions and those of others. They avoid the Light of Truth.”

“The childlike soul does not question – only believes. Such a one merits the grace of an unobstructed journey into the United Hearts.”

July 25, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Trustful surrender is the doorway to holiness. The soul that hangs on to every problem or tries to oppose the cross is not stepping through this beloved doorway of trustful surrender.”

“Never fall into Satan's trap of trusting too much in yourself; then you will trip on the way through the doorway of trust. With such souls, God steps back and lets them discover their dependency upon Him. Ask your guardian angel to stand watch over your heart in each present moment so that you do not fall into the snare of the evil one.”

August 16, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“God's Will is never far away. It is always in the present moment. It always embodies Holy Love. This nugget of Truth could transport the entire heart and soul of the world into deep personal holiness.”

“Instead, the general populace tries to find happiness and security in passing pleasures. Many transient things – pastimes, vanities – are sinful; but people today have generally dismissed the laws of Holy Love, as well as the Ten Commandments.”

“While it is good to be independent of Satan's civilization, it is not good to live independent of God's Laws.”

“Reassess your priorities in life and come under the Sovereignty of God. This is your peace and security.”

August 30, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Punctuate your day with prayer and sacrifice, for it is in this way that God's grace comes alive in you. It is through prayer and sacrifice God's grace is most easily recognized and appreciated.”

“Learn not to focus on what you do not have, but on what you do have. This is one way to put grace to good use, and to make the most of the present moment.”

October 11, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Jesus desires parallels be drawn between what is happening in world politics and in what has taken place in this Ministry. First, let me say that Truth is the reality of genuine facts. Untruth is the distortion or compromise of facts to suit a selfish end.”

“In the world, untruth is the order of the day for government leaders – those who wish to rise to power in foreign lands and in many seeking reelection. In this Mission, untruths have been ratified by many who seek to suppress the Messages and the graces offered here. Lies beget lies. Often it is very difficult to discover the actual truth.”

“But, on issues such as life in the womb, marriage between a man and a woman – even embryonic stem cell research – the demarcation between Truth and untruth should remain clear and decisive. Truth supports tradition and life. In this Mission, the call to holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts is a call to holiness through Truth no matter the theological misinterpretation.”

“Jesus does not want confusion to enter into your hearts, either in world events, elections or in regards to this Mission. Those who do not choose the Truth or to live in the Truth do not live in God's Divine Will.”

November 5, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to say that you only fulfill the Lord's Will when you have loving thoughts in your heart. If you see faults in others, it is so you can pray that the soul is able to overcome these flaws. If they are glaring faults, then you are obliged to sacrifice for them.”

“Do not fall into the trap of wasting the present moment by judging or complaining about the negative aspects of another. You may have the same flaws in your character. Keep your heart swept clean of judging, and allow God to fill it with Divine Love.”

November 16, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Pray always with a heart grounded in faith, hope and love. For it is these three through which you can accept God's Divine Will for you in each moment. These three – faith, hope and love – form the basis of your right reason and your courage; therefore, your spiritual strength. These three are the warehouse of your strength.”

November 30, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“When you pray, the disposition of your heart is of great importance. Invite into your heart faith, hope and love. These three carry with them trust. Too often, people pray prayers of petition from hearts filled with self-interest and, often, even fear of not obtaining the desired results. I tell you, the foundation of faith, hope and love needs to be laid first in the heart to make any prayer most worthy.”

“If you pray with hearts filled with fear, you are telling God that you do not trust Him to act in your best interests. He is an All-Loving God and does not permit that which does not lead to your salvation and the salvation of others. Your confidence in Him is a barometer of your love of Him. If your prayer attitude – that is, the state of your heart when you pray – is other than one of complete trust, then your prayers are weakened.”

“Therefore, allow this prayer to prepare your hearts for prayer:”

Prayer for Proper Prayer Attitude

“Dear Heavenly Father, I know You are All-Loving, and Your Will for me is Perfect. Please fortify my heart now with faith, hope and love. I ask Your Patience as I offer these petitions. I trust Your Answer will be part of Your Perfect Divine Will. Amen.”

December 18, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“These days people spend fortunes and a multitude of present moments on trying to find the perfect happiness here on earth. This is all foolishness and of no account before the Throne of God.”

“Holy Love has come into the world as the way of perfection. The Chambers of the Gracious United Hearts are a roadmap to perfection. The entire spiritual journey is clothed in Truth. People cannot be saved outside of Truth; nor can they be saved if they do not love God above all else and neighbor as self – the maxim of Holy Love.”

“The world will always be in conflict with this concept – this Holy Commandment. To try to find happiness in the world is futile. Inner peace and joy come through the embrace of Holy Love.” *

* Read Luke's account of Jesus' – ‘Sermon on the Mount' – and the beatitudes with their opposites – Luke 6: 20-26.

January 4, 2013
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please comprehend that every gift God gives – every grace He bestows – can be used towards a good or an evil end. Today, the obtuse spirit that has seized the heart of the world does not perceive the difference between good and evil. This is why evil is winning over good in hearts and in the world.”

“Take, for instance, electronics, which God opened to humanity to win souls and to hasten His Victory. Much evil has been promoted through the illicit use of this gift. The intellect is persuading the use of this gift to lead souls away from God.”

“This is why propagation of these Holy Love Messages is so key to the future of the world. If choices are clothed in Holy Love, souls can still be saved and the future changed forever. This must be your incentive, then, in every present moment.”

March 1, 2013
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please note that what I am saying to you today is based upon Scripture. The Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth – conceived the Word Incarnate in Our Lady's Womb. This was only possible because Our Lady's Heart was open to the Holy Spirit.”

“In a similar way, the same Holy Spirit will be at work in the upcoming Conclave of Cardinals about to assemble in Rome to elect a new Pontiff. Their hearts must be open to the Spirit of Truth. If their hearts are compromised in any way, they will not act on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.”

“Therefore, all should pray that hearts are open and act according to the inspiration of the Spirit of Truth as they begin this enormous task.”

March 14, 2013
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The direction of every individual needs to be founded upon his surrender to God's Divine Will. Actions which are predicated upon seeking the favor of influential people are superficial and, in God's Eyes, of no account.”

“The heart that is steeped in prayer will make better free will choices – more worthy free will choices – than the heart that seeks to follow the favor of others.”

“Prayer leads the soul to the intention of pleasing God and acting according to His Divine Will.”

April 29, 2013
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to you many times as Jesus permits, but never before has the world been in such crisis. Violence in the womb has been translated into violence in the world. Modern technology has shrunk the world; but mankind has used these advances not towards unity, but to emphasize differences, conflict and sin.”

“All the good that comes to earth here – all the graces attendant to this Mission – have been discounted by those who should embrace them. If the heart of the world was not in dire need of all God offers through this Mission, these graces would not be given. But, the heart of the world squabbles over borders, the legalization of sins, weapons and the climate. The real problem is that evil is not recognized for what it is.”

“The Truth, which Holy Love represents here, is summarily dismissed and discounted by those misguided souls who choose the wide path Satan lays before them.”

“Today, I tell you, world events are about to take on a new significance. The impact of natural disasters will intensify. God is trying to get the attention of His children. So, pay attention. Pray much. Sacrifice much. Evangelize much. Believe much.”

May 2, 2013
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to help you better understand the concept of trust. When you trust someone, you hold in your heart confidence in that person or group of people. For instance, if you put money into a bank, you have confidence that the bank will take care of it, and give it back to you when you need it.”

“Jesus' Heart is also like a bank – a repository – in which you can place all your concerns. Unlike a bank, Jesus accepts what you surrender to Him, but He does not want you to ask for it back. He desires that what you leave with Him remain with Him. Just as you trust the human efforts in the banking system, Jesus desires you trust Him to know what to do, and to return to you even more than you expect in His way.”

“At the basis of this trust is love of God's Provision and His Will for you. It is through trust you can withdraw inner strength and peace.”

“When the ‘balance' of trust grows too low in your heart, you need to redeposit more love of God's Will and His Provision. That is your security.”

May 16, 2013
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“This generation has, for the most part, lost sight of what really matters, and that is their own salvation. Consciences have been dulled by disordered ambitions. The Fire of the Holy Spirit has been doused by the pride of greed.”

“God does not come here to this site, nor does He send His angels and His saints here, so that all of His Efforts can be discounted as so much rubbish. The Heavenly Father is feeding His flock with these Messages of Holy Love. Each Message is like a tongue of fire ablaze with the call to personal holiness.”

“It is a sadness in the Heart of the Holy Trinity that these Messages, and all the graces offered here are not embraced and even maligned out of jealousy and false discernment.”

“Do not be a detractor. Be a believer. Do not persist in skepticism, which is encouraged by the enemy of your salvation. Believe!”

November 15, 2013
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The greatest consolation a soul can receive is trust in God's Divine Provision. The deeper the soul's love of God, the deeper his trust. Any sin weakens this trust.”

“Did you know it is a sin to trust in self or man above God? This offends God and does not give Him leeway to act as He wants.”

“Begin to see every present moment and what it holds for you as God's Provision – God's Will. This is a consolation and the path of humility.”

April 29, 2014
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena

“St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Last night you watched intently as violent tornadoes marched across your country, damaging property and taking lives. Through modern technology, it was possible to see just where the storms were going and who would be struck next.”

“I have come to point out that the storm of compromised Truth is sweeping across every part of the world. Unlike the tornadoes that can be tracked most readily, this storm is too often unrecognized as a threat. Yet, the storm of compromised Truth is more deadly than any tornado. It jeopardizes the soul's salvation. Untruth cannot be tracked on a radar screen. It is often unlikely who will be swept up in this storm next. There are no tell-tale signs such as the weather patterns that cause tornadoes.”

“In a tornado, you can see a cloud of debris around the funnel cloud. In the storm of the compromised Truth, the ‘debris' is far-reaching, bringing down many leaders, governments and causing every sort of scandal within Church circles. Even as the ‘debris' identifies the storm, some continue in their efforts to deny the existence of the storm.”

“This is why the Heart of Jesus is so Mournful. Continue to console Him with prayers and sacrifice.”

May 7, 2014
St. Catherine of Siena

“St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Throughout the course of human history, moral decadence has resulted in the decline and fall of empires and nations. This is the effect of separation between the heart of man and the Heart of God.”

“As this abyss widens, humanity withdraws from God's Protection and His Provision. He is left more and more on his own. This is the cost of disregard for God's Laws and the embrace of sin. As often as this has happened, man seems unable to learn from history.”

“This is why nature seems to rebel against human welfare. This is why self-aggrandizement has overtaken governments. This is why sins have been embraced by legalization and moral degradation is encouraged.”

“Recognize the path you are following, ‘Man of Earth'. Withdraw your support of godlessness before it is too late.”

May 15, 2014
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The compromise of Truth has led this generation into grave spiritual compromise. The inability to distinguish good from evil has infiltrated governments and social economic systems. Unity is promoted, but not unity through love. Unity has become a byword for control. People do not realize the depths of Satan's deceit, for he uses good and acceptable terms (such as ‘social justice') to achieve his end.”

“This is why the Seal of Discernment given here at this site is so important. It unties the knot of deceit Satan has tied over the heart of the world.”

May 28, 2014
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Society as a whole has decided to support compromise. Therefore, most governments and world leaders are untrustworthy. Holy Love is a call to all people and all nations to make leaders accountable to the Truth. This is an ecumenical call – a serious undertaking which must not be controlled or manipulated by compromise or abusive authority.”

Redistribution of wealth is, in and of itself, a compromise. You cannot transgress the rights of some to support some others. Remember, the poor will always be with you. So while it is noble to alleviate suffering, you will never eradicate it.”

“Redistribution of wealth is a vehicle of the one world government – the ultimate abuse of authority and compromise of Truth.”

Read Jude 1: 17-23

“But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; they said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who set up divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And convince some, who doubt; save some, by snatching them out of the fire; on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”

April 29, 2015
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Jesus sends me to thank you for persevering in keeping these Messages public. It would have been easy to surrender to obedience to error* and to have silenced Heaven's Voice. As it is, the Truth of these Messages is convicting hearts. Those who object to the description of compromise of Truth and abuse of authority in these Messages, reveal that they themselves are guilty of such error.”

“If you had succumbed to silence, putting man's will ahead of God's Will, your silence would have condoned these sins. As it is, the ones in the public eye need to prove that the Messages do not describe themselves. It is like a backdoor accountability – perhaps the only accountability in their lives.”

“Remember, it is not the Messages which oppose unity, but those who oppose the Messages.”

* Reference to the error of those of title and authority determined to shut down or silence the Mission and Ministry of Holy Love by requiring obedience to their authority. Holy Love Ministries was established in 1993 as an Ecumenical Ministry by Jesus and the Blessed Mother for all people of faith and all nations, thereby not subject to any human religious authority which Acts 5:29 proves can easily be abused.

Read Acts 5:29,39+

But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. . .” . . . but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by St. Catherine of Sienna.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of Scripture provided by spiritual advisor.

January 11, 2016
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena comes. She is holding a palm branch. I (Maureen) don't know why. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to help you understand the great value of trust. The Divine Will and Divine Love are one. The soul falls short of being united to these two when he lacks trust. Failure in trust is an obstacle in the spiritual journey, for it is the bad fruit of hanging onto the human will. Perfect trust means total surrender to the Will of God. Surrender is acceptance of whatever the present moment brings according to God's Will.”

“Jesus surrendered to His Father's Will even unto death on the Cross. If you desire to live in Divine Love, you must be obedient to the Divine Will in the same way. Always place obedience to God above obedience to man.”

April 29, 2016
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“In my day, the Church was not rocked by scandal such as it is today. There was not a liberal Church as opposed to a conservative Church. If you were Catholic, you embraced the Tradition of Faith. Doctrine was never challenged but upheld. As regards to spiritual matters, you did not have to go from priest to priest to get a sound answer.”

“Today, every belief is challenged according to individual taste and popular opinion. Heavenly intervention is most often met with skepticism and even opposition. It is impossible to stand for the Truth without oppressive controversy and opposition.”

“The Flame of Truth – which is the Heart of Mary – will be victorious over all error, lies and jealousies before Jesus Returns. It is then, mankind will discover the Truth and recognize his own errors. Until this time, pray for the strength to persevere in the Truth.”

April 29, 2017
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The first step in having an open heart to grace is to believe that Heaven can do anything by way of grace. Take as an example this Mission* – this property.** It is grace that transformed a soybean field into a miraculous apparition site. In order to open your heart to the grace offered here, the soul must decide the Mission is worthy of belief. Then he must look at the impact the Mission has made in the world. Have there been healings and conversions? Is the Mission offering a sound spirituality? It would be difficult – at best – to discount all of these positives for the sake of disbelief.”

“An open heart is a heart that searches for the Truth. Such a soul does not smugly believe he has all the answers and does not need any special grace. An open heart recognizes the positive influence of grace and is eager to respond to it.”

* The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read 1 Corinthians 2:12-13+

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual Truths to those who possess the Spirit.

Synopsis: The Holy Spirit teaches the Truth of God's Wisdom which cannot be interpreted by human wisdom.

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by St. Catherine of Siena.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of Scripture provided by spiritual advisor.

April 30, 2017
St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“So, it is, I have come to help all understand that the openness of one's heart to the Truth is dependent upon free will. If you are not interested in finding the Truth and cooperating with the grace of Truth, your heart will remain closed.”

“You can see this with those who come to the property* or are introduced to the Messages.** Some are eager to disbelieve and try to manufacture negatives. Others are eager to believe and to live the Messages, bringing them alive in their hearts. They see what is good and do not try to find a negative. Discernment is only genuine if the heart is open to the Truth and does not hold preconceived opinions or agendas for finding fault. There is a fine line between rash judging and discernment.”

“An open heart prays with sincerity to discover the Truth.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.