
August 25, 2006
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”


“Material goods spoil, ruin or become outdated.”

“Physical beauty is passing.”

“The opinions of others are fickle, and of no account before the judgment seat of God.”

“God alone suffices.”

“Only love is everlasting.”

March 19, 2007
Monday St. Michael Shield of Truth Prayer Service; (Feast of St. Joseph)
St. Joseph

The Holy Family is here. Our Lady is holding Baby Jesus; His Heart is exposed. Blessed Mother and St. Joseph say: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

St. Joseph says: “Know me best under the title of ‘Foster Father of Jesus' and ‘Terror of Demons,' for under these titles I do work wonders.”

Jesus says: “My brothers and sisters, tonight I remind you not to be concerned about what others say and even less about what they think, for none of this is your responsibility or under your charge, but is a matter of free will and a matter between the soul and Me to be judged in Holy Love. It is only a trap that Satan lays for you to call you into great regard for human respect. Divorce yourself from this, all of you, and only think about Holy Love and how best to evangelize.”

Blessed Mother and St. Joseph look at Baby Jesus. He raises two of His little Fingers and says: “I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

August 1, 2010
Public (For Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The heart of every family must be Holy Love. The absence of Holy Love results in disunity, confusion and even apostasy. Holy Love fosters family prayer, faithfulness to the Commandments, and dedication to the truth.”

First Sunday of the Month – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

The Holy Family is here. St. Joseph is holding Baby Jesus. Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.” Blessed Mother and St. Joseph say: “Praise be to Jesus.”

St. Joseph says: “My brothers and sisters, the heart of every family must be Holy Love. For it is in this way every family will be secure in God's Divine Will.”

They bless us.

August 8, 2010
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to help people realize that just as Jesus offers grace in every present moment, Satan opposes this grace. He tempts the soul to embrace untruth, to jealousy, anger, calumny and many more errors against love. The soul, who is the recipient of grace in one moment, may find himself under grave attack in the next.”

“No one should feel he can let his guard down amidst this spiritual warfare. No one should feel he does not need the help of the angels and the saints.”

September 5, 2010
Sunday Service – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here with the Child Jesus. St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

St. Joseph: “Families that pray together are at peace. Communities that pray together find peace. Whole nations who have in their hearts prayerful attitudes of Holy Love are at peace. Nations that are at peace do not make war with other nations.”

“And so, my brothers and sisters, you can readily see the importance of family prayer towards unity and peace.”

“I'm extending to you the Blessing of Holy Love.”

September 30, 2010
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come so that you better understand the workings of Heavenly grace within the soul. The heart that is full of self-interest is less likely to open to an infusion of grace such as the Baptism of Truth; then, too, the soul, who finds his conscience laid bare by the Light of Truth as he tours the property, is not likely to recognize or respond to the illumination if he has his own agenda at heart.”

October 3, 2010
Sunday Service – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I have come once again to tell you how important it is that each family member has Holy Love in his heart. The heart of the family is the reflection of everything that is in the hearts of each family member. Therefore, every heart should focus upon love of God and neighbor, and every person in the family should live to serve God and neighbor, placing himself last. To do so brings unity in the center of the family.”

“He leaves.”

November 7, 2010
Sunday Service – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, the Father has sent me tonight to invite all families into the greater family of Holy and Divine Love.”

“Thus united, you will find the path of TRUTH – the path of LIGHT – which leads to your salvation.”

“Tonight I'm imparting to you my Blessing.”

December 5, 2010
Sunday Service – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come to remind every family that they should be living under the umbrella of Holy Love. In this way they are protected from distractions in personal holiness and from obstacles to grace. If they are all living in Holy Love – every member of the family – then Holy Love will be at the heart of the family.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

December 25, 2010
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I invite you to reflect upon the Will of God the Father Who lovingly sent His Only Begotten Son into the world to redeem mankind. Because the Son and His Holy Virginal Mother cooperated with the Divine Will, the Gates of Heaven opened forever.”

“You, too, must cooperate with the Divine Will in accepting the newborn Jesus into your hearts today. Allow Him to bless your hearts and your lives.”

December 26, 2010
Feast of The Holy Family
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I am addressing the family of mankind who, for the most part, has departed from the path of holiness. Once again I am joining my Son, Jesus, in an effort to spread unity through Holy Love. In Nazareth the Holy Virgin worked with Jesus and myself to be examples of love and holiness.”

“So many, so many hear this call, read these Messages, but do not respond in their hearts; even worse, so decide to oppose Holy Love – a response not inspired by God.”

“In the world family, some are so deceived they believe in a god that tells them to destroy life – a god whom they claim promotes terrorism.”

“This is not the God Who made Heaven and earth. This is not the God of Love. The heart of the world family must be converted to the truth. Pray for this.”

December 31, 2010
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I am Joseph, husband of Mary Ever Virgin. But today I come to you under the title, ‘Terror of Demons'. I tell you, anyone, no matter his title, authority in the world, wealth or station in life who acts under the cover of darkness is dishonest, not living in the light of truth, and guilty of cooperating with evil.”

“God sees all. Nothing lies hidden from Him. All is weighed upon the scale of His Justice – the scale of Holy Love.”

January 30, 2011
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I have come to tell those who will listen, to be careful not to trust in themselves, their own efforts and their own opinions too much. A sign that people are doing so is that they do not trust in God's Divine Will for them. This lack of trust permeates all decisions that the soul makes. Indeed, lack of trust in God's Divine Will brings with it lack of peace.”

“The heart is in conflict and cannot make decisions based upon Holy Love. All the virtues are then compromised, and evil is not readily discerned.”

“Those who depend on themselves too much are eventually humbled through God's Mercy Who desires each one's salvation.”

February 6, 2011
Sunday Service – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Once again I come especially to urge families towards holiness. Each member must choose personal holiness in his heart – praying off and on throughout the day. The whole family should pray together once a day – always requesting the grace to become more holy, more united in Holy Love. This would please my Foster Son very much. It is what He Himself desires through the Will of the Divine Father.”

“Tonight I'm imparting to you my Blessing of Fatherly Love.”

March 6, 2011
Sunday Service – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, fathers of families need to be strong spiritually. It is in this way that children will be encouraged to pursue personal holiness. A family that is strong spiritually will make a strong community and also reflect upon the heart of the world, making it more holy.”

“Tonight I am imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

March 19, 2011
Feast of St. Joseph – Midnight Service at the Field of the United Hearts
St. Joseph

(This message was given in multiple parts.)

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to call the heart of the world back to unity – unity in Holy Love. Holy Love must be the firm foundation of every heart. Any departure from this brings lack of unity – lack of peace such as exists in the world today. Governments will remain in upheaval until such time that this foundation of Holy Love is recognized in hearts and acted upon in the world.”

“These days, resources such as oil, are sought after and fought over. But I tell you, the greatest resource – Holy Love in hearts – is not even recognized as important. The result is war, terrorism, natural disasters and moral degeneration. Departure from God's Commandments has become a political choice. In general people do not recognize good as opposed to evil.”

“I, as ‘Terror of Demons', tell you, Satan does exist and is promoting spiritual apathy.”

“As the world observes the destruction and desperate situation in Japan, all must realize that their welfare, even unto their next breath, is dependent upon the Father's Divine Will. Mankind uses the natural resources of earth to better his human condition. But it is time that he use his spiritual resources to better his relationship with God.”

“In this, particularly I speak of the Commandments of Love which comprise Holy Love. God so deems that I be recognized as ‘Foster Father of All Humanity'. As such, I must call all of mankind into the Chambers of the United Hearts. This spiritual journey places the soul securely upon the path of salvation – even sanctification. It is in traveling this path that my foster children will discover their peace and security.”

“I caution each one of you against doubts which are Satan's weapon. He is very adept in their use and quite unrelenting. But just as the natural disaster in Japan compromised the source of energy there [nuclear power plants], doubts in the journey through the United Hearts compromise the power of your spiritual journey. No one desires this more than Satan himself.”

“Once again I tell you, the heart of the world family must recommend itself to Holy Love before there will be a lessening of suffering. Therefore, it is paramount that each heart surrenders to Holy Love; only in this way can change come.”

“When you see great cataclysmic events, please understand that you are glimpsing the state of the heart of the world. The need for conversion is greater than in any time in history. Unless mankind heeds these warnings from Heaven, greater – more profound events will occur. Heed this warning of your loving foster father.”

“My brothers and sisters, my dear foster children, allow me to love you, and please love me in return. As your foster father, I desire to protect you and guide you in your every need. I will never abandon you. I am compassionate with your human condition. Have confidence in my intercession.”

“I have come especially to thank all of you who are here with expectant faith in your hearts. My hands are filled with favors and I will spread them in your midst tonight, and tomorrow as well.”

“Please realize, sadly, that the disastrous events in Japan were one of the triggers of evil that the Holy Mother predicted and warned you about last year. These events would have been greatly mitigated had more souls hastened to their conversion. As it is, the events that have occurred will have long-lasting effects.”

“But tonight, my dear foster children, I am embracing you and urging you to have peace in your hearts and with one another, so that every family is secure and the world family is secure.”

“Tonight I'm blessing you with my Fatherly Blessing.”

April 3, 2011
Sunday Service – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, tonight pray for all families that they are led in wisdom, and that the parents become role models of Holy Love which is personal holiness; then there will be peace in hearts, peace in all families and peace in the world.”

“I'm extending to you tonight my Fatherly Blessing.”

St. Joseph


St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come at the command of the Lord to state that families are the foundation of societies. Fathers must be the head of their families, and as such, lay the groundwork for personal holiness in their children. This is absent today in most families. Therefore, you have the moral degeneration of society as a whole.”

“Fathers must be examples of Holy Love which is personal holiness, for it is by example children are led – not by empty words.”

James 1: 22-25
“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who observes his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But he who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer that forgets but a doer that acts, he shall be blessed in his doing.”

June 5, 2011
Sunday Service – Unity in Families (Family Night)
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I welcome you here tonight on behalf of prayer for family unity. Please understand that it is important for individuals to be consecrated to the United Hearts, but even more important is that whole families be thus consecrated. For it is in this consecration to the United Hearts that families will live and breathe, act and speak according to God's Holy and Divine Will.”

“Tonight I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

August 7, 2011
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Tonight I have come to remind fathers that they are the sovereign head of the family. They should not oppose this, but step into the role and become spiritual mentors of their children. They should always lead their children along the path of righteousness and Holy Love.”

“Tonight I'm imparting to you my Blessing of Fatherly Love.”

August 27, 2011
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“When you pray, pray that unbelievers surrender to the Truth. This is the difficulty which stands between the soul and his conversion, for no one can be converted outside of the Truth.”

“This, too, is the reason so many disbelieve in this Mission and all Heaven is trying to accomplish here. The Truth has been clouded by controversy and shrouded in false accusations. The ones that are the greatest detractors do not search out the Truth. They have embraced a false concept of the Truth.”

September 4, 2011
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in All Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, establish within your hearts, and then within your families, the domestic church. Teach your families the fundamentals of the faith – how to pray and how to love God and neighbor. You will be blessed. Do not depend on outside sources to do so.”

“I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

October 2, 2011
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, join me often throughout the day in praying for expectant mothers who consider choosing abortion over life for their unborn child. They must understand the dire situations that the Most Holy Virgin faced before and after She gave birth to the Infant Jesus; severe persecution by those who didn't understand, birth in a humble stable, and finally the Flight into Egypt; and yet, She bravely pressed on.”

“Please join me throughout the day in praying for all expectant mothers; and I will bless you as I am blessing you now.”

November 6, 2011
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Tonight, my brothers and sisters, I am asking each family to place devotion to the United Hearts at the center of their family's spirituality; for this journey is the sure path to personal holiness and salvation.”

“Tonight I am glad to impart to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

December 4, 2011
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Just as Mary, Ever Virgin, asks you to pray for the heart of the world, I, too, Foster Father of All Humanity, present the same request. The soul of the world is wandering as if in a spiritual desert – always grasping for what proves to be a mirage of truth and hanging on to compromise of the genuine truth; thus he is never satisfied.”

“The soul of the world does not recognize what its real need is; that is, to be closer to God – to allow God to take His Place as Sovereign King.”

Part 2
Sunday Evening Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families

St Joseph is here. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come to quench the insatiable thirst of all mankind – the thirst that he does not even recognize. I have come to offer you resolution to your many problems – environmental, problems between brother and brother, problems of geographic boundaries, economic problems – all of these would be taken away if you would be reconciled with God. This is the call of my visits. This is why Mary, Ever Virgin, asks for prayers for the heart of the world.”

“Tonight I am extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

February 5, 2012
The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Peace be with you. Tonight I have come to remind every father that he must lead his family in the Truth of Holy Love; thus he would be protector, provider, counselor and guide. If all of these are based upon the Truth of Holy Love, then his family will be united and pursue personal holiness.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

March 4, 2012
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, those in authority, most especially fathers, and hence – families – should embrace wise authority, loving authority. In this way they will gain everyone's respect.”

“I am imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

March 19, 2012
Monday Service – Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
St. Joseph

Feast of St. Joseph

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. St Joseph is standing in front of Jesus, only smaller, and the United Hearts Image is in front of St. Joseph.

Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.” St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

St. Joseph: “The Lord has brought me here tonight with a special request. This Image of the United Hearts is a visual of the new and last Marian Dogma. Jesus desires that everyone pray from the heart that this Dogma is realized within this Pope's Pontificate.”

“We're blessing you.”

April 1, 2012
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Tonight, my brothers and sisters, I come as Jesus sends me, for He holds love and concern in His Heart for each one of you, and for all.”

“He asks only that you live in Holy Love in every present moment. In this way, you will usher in the Triumph of the United Hearts.”

“Tonight I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

First Sunday
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Tonight I come to you somberly under my title – Terror of Demons. As this Holy Week opens, be assured that Heaven needs your every prayer and sacrifice. Entire nations are following the path of Satan's deception, which he presents under the guise of ‘religion'. These ones are bent on self-destruction and the demise of all who are not similarly persuaded.”

“Christ suffered for all, and is not in this mentality of death and destruction to usher in the arrival of another and false messiah.”

“You must recognize Satan and his designs to destroy you before it is too late. Your prayers and sacrifices are the arsenal Heaven needs to destroy Satan's plans.”

“I have been sent here tonight not to frighten you, but to encourage you and to enlist your aid.”

May 6, 2012
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“If all families had in their hearts Holy Love, they would receive new direction inspired by the Holy Spirit. As it is, an independent spirit takes over every heart that isn't committed to Holy Love.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

June 3, 2012
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The best example of living a Christian life that a parent can give a child is the example of living in Holy Love; for this is the Truth, and the Way and the Life – for Jesus, Himself, is Holy and Divine Love. Imitate Him.”

“I'm extending to you my Blessing of Fatherly Love.”

June 21, 2012
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Families need to be united in Holy Love. This needs to be their main priority – not material goods. This is also true of whole nations. This is your security – not economics or status amongst others.”

July 1, 2012
Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come once again to remind families to be united in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. The only way to do this is to live in Holy Love. In this way, you will accept God's Will in every present moment with a loving heart; and that is the first step.”

“Tonight I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

September 2, 2012
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I come to you to offer these thoughts. If families desire unity, they must be united in the Truth. Any other basis for unity will fail. The Truth hearts must accept, first and foremost, is the Ten Commandments. Holy Love is the embodiment of the Ten Commandments.”

“It follows, then, that family unity must be based upon Holy Love. Because families are the backbone of this country, the family united in Holy Love will be the unity of the nation.”

“Do not follow or support anyone who tries to defeat this end.”

Sunday Service – The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and is dressed in purple. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I come to remind everyone of the old standard truth that not to decide is to decide. If you do not choose unity in your family, you choose division. If you do not choose life in the womb, you choose abortion. These are the truths that I have come to defend, for I desire your peace and your unity.”

“I'm extending to you my Blessing.”

November 4, 2012
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families – For the Father’s Will to be done in this upcoming election
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, you are united in Holy Love. Tonight I am asking you – with sincere hearts – pray that your country is united in a similar way in Holy Love; for it is in this way you will be able to make intelligent and righteous choices when you vote. This election is extremely important for the future of your country. I have paternal concern for the outcome.”

“Tonight I am blessing you with my Blessing of Fatherly Love.”

December 2, 2012
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Tonight I have come to advise you – be apprised of the times in which you live, but do not be overwhelmed by them. Pray and let prayer be your refuge; be united in this.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I have come to encourage all in a holy Advent season. When Mary, Most Holy, and I traveled to Bethlehem so long ago, I was unable to prepare for the arrival of Our Son. I could not anticipate having a warm dwelling place where we could welcome Him into the world. I had hoped relatives and friends would provide for us, but they all turned us away, not recognizing the greatness of the moment.”

“Today, however, each one of you has the opportunity to prepare a proper dwelling for Jesus in your heart. There you can welcome Him on Christmas, changing forever the course of human history if you choose. Cast far from you the pleasures of the world. Empty your hearts so that Jesus can fill it. Then you will know God's Will for you.”

January 6, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The foundation for a sound family is Holy Love. Every family needs to be grounded in Holy Love and to be built up in Holy Love. It is in this way the family can move into the Father's Divine Will. This makes the family more secure than any amount of financial security.”

“I will extend to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

February 3, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, please understand in your hearts, that if you have Holy Love in your hearts, you will be at peace and you will have peace all around you.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I come to you once again to encourage unity in families through Holy Love, for this is Satan's defeat. Do not oppose one another unjustly. Uphold the law of Holy Love, both in your hearts and in your immediate family. Do not, in the name of what seems righteous, oppose God's good.”

“Dispel opposition through love. Remember, love is patient – love is kind. Be a humble peacemaker. Apply these Messages to your own heart – not someone else's. If you are a true apostle of Holy Love, your lives will reflect this love.”

March 3, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, in order to maintain union with God's Divine Will or even to be conformed with God's Divine Will, you must have peace in your hearts. This is only possible in these tumultuous times if you are living in Holy Love. Then, you will have peace in your hearts and peace in your families, as well.”

“I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

March 19, 2013
Feast of St. Joseph
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I have come to help you realize that the routine of your day is accomplished through the grace of God. Fathers and mothers do much every day that only goes noticed if left undone. So, it is, as well, with God's grace. Much of what He gives is never noticed. However, His graces that are taken for granted, if removed from the world, could cause grave difficulties. Just the simple act of drawing your next breath is a grace.”

“Furthermore, some graces are what I call present moment graces such as hope and trust. These contrast fear which is a present moment attack dealing with the future.”

“I hope this helps all to see that nothing in life is routine or should be taken for granted.”

May 1, 2013
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The greatness of a person is not in the human values of status, money and power; but in the depth of Holy Love in his heart, which inspires every thought, word and deed. The more the love in a soul's heart can influence the world around him, the greater his reward in Heaven.”

“Indeed, Holy Love in the heart transforms small deeds into great ones. Allow the strength of the love in your heart to overshadow any evil around you. So often this can begin as the slightest criticism of another. Put Holy Love to work in the present moment.”

June 2, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, please understand that when the institution of marriage is compromised, such as it is these days in modern society, the family is also compromised.”

“When the family is compromised, the community, the nation and the world is also compromised; for no sin stays solely where it is committed, and by whom it is committed.”

“Tonight I extend to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

July 7, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, once again I come to invite all families to be united in Holy Love; for it is in this union you will find your stability and your security. It is in this union you unite under the cross, and in every victory you are partners in grace. All of your goals become the common goal of Heaven.”

“Tonight I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

August 4, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Tonight I advise you that it is important for families to raise their children in Holy Love and to value Holy Love. For it is in this way that just and truthful leaders are sent into the world as extensions of their families.”

“Tonight I'm listening to all your petitions, and I'm blessing you with my Blessing of Fatherly Love.”

September 1, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts and Unity in Families
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, today I ask all family members to practice forgiveness towards one another. It is in this way you will be able to live in Divine Love, and there will be peace and unity amongst you.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

November 3, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I come at the command of God the Father. The Eternal Father desires to take dominion over the heart of every family by their obedience to His Ten Commandments. Remember always, that the embrace of the Ten Commandments is Holy Love. Give thanks for this Message.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

December 1, 2013
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I come, once again, seeking unity amidst family members. You must avoid the sins that gravely wound the Mournful Heart of Jesus. These are the root causes of all sins – the abuse of authority and the compromise of Truth. They are present in families and divide members, one against the other. Avoid all these errors and be united in Holy Love.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Blessing of Fatherly Love.”

December 7, 2013
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The Vestibule where I stand is a place of decision where the soul decides to either pass through the Doorway of God's Mercy or return to the world. The grace of conversion is given, but the decision is weighed on the scale of free will.”

“If the soul accepts the grace of conversion and, with a repentant heart passes through the Doorway of Divine Mercy, he finds himself in the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin, therein to prosper in holiness.”

“The Sacred Heart of Jesus mourns the loss of those souls who, through the compromise of Truth, reject God's Mercy and return to the world.”

“Your prayers and sacrifices make the decision to pass through the Doorway of Mercy more appealing to those whose fate weighs in the balance.”

January 25, 2014
Feast of the Conversion of St Paul
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I come to you today on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul to tell you that the Vestibule where I await souls, inviting them into the United Hearts, is their invitation to conversion of heart. There I await and pray, that by entrance into this Vestibule, more will respond in a positive manner and the Remnant will be strengthened.”

“I invite all sinners and all nations into this Vestibule of Grace. I pray these souls will have the courage to pursue entrance into the First Chamber and participate in the self-knowledge offered therein.”

February 2, 2014
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I come to you tonight as Joseph – Terror of Demons. I come to bring attention to the ways Jesus is maligned in the Real Presence. As His Foster Father, I protected Him in the First Tabernacle – the Womb of Mary, Most Holy. I desire to protect Him still in every Tabernacle from disrespect and disbelief.”

“Families could be reunited and strengthened if they made holy hours together. The demons do not want this made known, and try to discourage it. Pay Him homage as He deserves.”

“Tonight I ask that you pray often for respect of life in the womb, and respect for the True Presence in the Tabernacles of the world.”

“Tonight I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

March 19, 2014
Feast of St. Joseph
St. Joseph

Treatise on Fatherhood

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today as I speak to you about fatherhood, I invite you to take as a perfect example the Eternal Now – the Father of all mankind. He is the perfection of Provision and Protection which all fathers need to emulate. God the Father is the Creator of the Universe and of all life. Indeed, He is the Supreme Giver of life and the Inspiration of Truth.”

“As the First Father, He gave us His Only Begotten Son to redeem mankind. All fathers need to pursue unselfish service to their families – devoted protection and unmitigated loyalty to those under their charge. These days, the attacks on marriage, even unto redefinition by law, have compromised the role of fatherhood and destroyed the sanctity of the family unit. The result is every sort of disorder and chaos in society.”

“In my day, the father firmly, lovingly held his place as the leader of the family. His role was not challenged. His esteem was not thwarted by misguided role models.”

“The good father is gentle, understanding, steadfast in righteousness – yet, never self-righteous. He is a firm model of the Truth; thus, a guide to consciences and a spiritual mentor. He holds no malice in his heart, but is the model of forgiveness.”

“I have come to affirm the fathers who live in Holy Love and to admonish those who oppose it. Be a sign of reconciliation with God and you will be on the right path to being a good father.”

April 7, 2014
Message for Family Night
St. Joseph

Message for Family Night

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“You are right in thinking Satan opposes my prayer nights every first Sunday of the month. I am, after all, the Terror of Demons. If it's not the weather, it's your health. However, I am here now in this present moment to speak as I would have last night.”

“The family unit has been the basis of society since the earliest times. The stronger the family, the stronger their influence in the community, the nation and the world. The family can have either a positive or negative influence in the world. This is why I tell you, the family that is united in Holy Love is a particular treasure in God's Eyes. Holy Love is the ‘glue' which binds the family together spiritually.”

“This seems simplistic enough, but it is a Truth Satan did not want stated.

May 4, 2014
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I come to you once again seeking unity in families, unity that is based upon Holy Love. If Holy Love is not the foundation of your union, then it will be superficial and short lived. Some families are united in evil endeavors. Eventually, this evil turns in on them and they come against each other. So, remember my call to you is unity in Holy and Divine Love.”

“I'm blessing you with my blessing of Fatherly Love.”

June 1, 2014
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, Jesus sends me with this message – He has ordained that my power come to earth during these latter days in a special way.”

“The fathers who go to my shrine in the United Hearts Field will be anointed with Wisdom and Prudence in order to better govern their families. Each family member has a responsibility towards personal holiness. If they answer this call, they will find peace and unity within the family unit.

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

July 6, 2014
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

“St. Joseph is here and says, “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come to address fathers in particular.”

“Please realize my dear brothers, that as the head of your family you are also the head of the domestic church. The household of your church must be governed with fairness, with equality, and with a mind towards the salvation of each of those under your influence. Pray to me to guide you and I will do so.”

“Tonight, I am blessing you with my blessing of Fatherly Love.”

August 3, 2014
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Solemnly, I tell you, the problem in families these days is the lack of loving respect between parents and children. It is this mutual loving respect that garners obedience from the children and peace within families – something missing so often these days.”

“Lack of loving respect bears the bad fruit of rebellion and unconcern for the spiritual, physical and emotional well-being of those whom could be loved and respected – not only in the family unit, but in the world family as well. This is the cause of multiple problems in the world community today.”

Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

“St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, any one of you who has a fatherly role in the world today must be a reflection of loving respect to those in your charge.”

“Tonight, I'm imparting to you My Fatherly Blessing.”

September 7, 2014
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

“St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, it is very important that children are given the example of living in Holy Love by their parents. Thus, they will show them how to be understanding, forgiving, kind to one another. Compassion will be part of their upbringing and they will carry all these gifts and the essence of Holy Love into the community as adults. This is how to change the attitudes of the world.”

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

October 5, 2014
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I have come to address the leadership in place within families. You must lead the family in your charge to avoid sin and to live in the Truth. You must be spiritual leaders first and foremost. If you do this, sound morals will be the good fruits of your labor. The virtuous life will flourish in your midst. Your families will be at peace.”

“When there is disunity in the family it is due to a disruption in Holy Love and in one or more hearts. Then it is up to the family leader to re-unite everyone spiritually in Holy Love”

“Tonight, I impart to you my blessing of Fatherly Love.”

November 2, 2014
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, every family should be like a little domestic church, with the father at the head, leading the rest in Holy Love. In this way the heart of the world can be converted.”

“Tonight, I'm blessing you with my blessing of Fatherly Love.”

December 7, 2014
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I have come to tell you, that lasting peace is only obtainable through Holy Love in the heart. This is true in each soul, in all people, in all nations. Any other peace is transient, and based upon false ideals in the world, reputation, material goods and power. So, return your hearts to Holy Love and watch peace happen around you.”

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

January 4, 2015
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

(This Message was given in multiple parts today.)

St. Joseph is here. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“When my eyes first saw Divine Love and Truth born Incarnate, resting in His Mother's Arms, I was awestruck. Today, I am awestruck by His Patient Mercy in the presence of so much disrespect, neglect and apostasy towards Him in the tabernacles of the world and towards His Commandments.”

“My brothers and sisters, the Lord desires to give you every grace that no one asks for, to help you discover the Truth and live by it. Pray for these graces daily.”

“Tonight, I extend to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

February 1, 2015
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I come to address all fathers once again. I encourage fathers to be stable and strong leaders, but to pray to overcome a tendency towards impatience – even anger. Make allowances for weaknesses or frailties of those in your charge, gently helping them to overcome such things.”

“Be open to the Spirit of Wisdom which helps you to communicate righteousness. Such a grace this is.”

“Do not be discouraged by the enormous task that lies ahead. Remain calmly in the present moment. God will lead you and provide for you.”

February 5, 2015
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I tell you, the enemy that lies hidden in hearts is more dangerous than the enemy most obvious in the world. This is because if you do not identify your enemy, you cannot oppose him or protect yourself against him. This is why the discernment between good and evil is so vital in the spiritual life.”

“Satan does everything in his power to cover his actions and disguise his purpose. Be wise enough to use Holy Love as a winnowing fan to separate good from evil. Do not follow someone for the sake of following. Follow those who support the Truth.”

March 1, 2015
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“All fathers, as spiritual directors of their families, need to guide their families according to the maxims [Moral Standards] of Truth for the Remnant [Faithful]. Thus, fostered in these Moral Standards of Truth, the Remnant [Faithful] will be embraced by the younger generation as well. This insures salvation and the perpetuation of the Truth.”

March 19, 2015
Solemnity of St. Joseph
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I come today to remind humanity that God desires your unity, for this is the way to peace. Do not look for differences between you, but find common ground. God created each one of you in the womb to know Him and to love Him.”

Satan continues to try to destroy the family structure. He desecrates the concept of marriage between a man and a woman. Fathers are no longer patriarchs and given due respect. If families are not united first and foremost, communities, nations and the world will not be united.”

“Everything you do to promote respect for one another is worthy in God's Eyes. Do not tear down. Build up the Kingdom of God in hearts and in the world around you.”

Read Philippians 2:1-5*

Synopsis: Imitate the humility of Jesus Christ.

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any incentive of love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which was in Christ Jesus.

* -Scripture verses asked to be read by St. Joseph.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of Scripture provided by spiritual advisor.

May 1, 2015
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Once again, I come to invite all souls into the Vestibule of My Heart.* In this Vestibule, which opens onto the Immaculate Heart of Mary**, the soul is given the desire to become holy and to please God.”

“I gently urge souls into the Flame of Love to be purged of their greatest iniquities. I give them the courage to desire personal holiness which is God's Will for each soul. I welcome each soul with love, patience and understanding.”

* Please read Holy Love Messages of December 4, 2013 thru December 8, 2013 describing St. Joseph's Vestibule of Grace and its importance in the spiritual journey of personal holiness through the Chambers of the United Hearts.

** Immaculate Heart of Mary is the First Chamber of the United Hearts.

May 3, 2015
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, it is the love between husband and wife that forms the firm foundation of the family. After that, it is the father's leadership, in humility and love, that moves the family forward in holiness.”

“He must be an example of forgiveness, admitting to faults and rescuing his children from spiritual danger. Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

June 7, 2015
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I desire that all fathers realize that they are the head of the domestic church which is their family. As such, they must be courageously able to identify sin and help their children discover the difference between good and evil.”

“Tonight, I am blessing you with my Fatherly Blessing.”

August 2, 2015
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and he is holding the Baby Jesus. St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, please realize that the role of the father in the household is definitive. It is a mistake for the father to try to be a pal to his children. The father's role is to lead spiritually and emotionally with authority and respect.”

“Tonight, I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

September 6, 2015
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, in order for families to be at peace and to be united, each family member must surrender completely to Holy Love. If you live in Holy Love you will be at peace and you will be united. But it is flaws in Holy Love which bring disunity and disrupt the family peace. Then you cannot be fair with one another and patient. And so, take these things into your hearts and renew your commitments to Holy Love.”

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

October 4, 2015
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

(This Message was given in multiple parts.)

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Families must not be based upon falsehoods or decadent moral practices. If they are, they are not a firm part of the foundation in the heart of the world. A marriage, as God planned it, is between a man and a woman in cooperation with God towards the procreation of life. If there is any other interpretation of marriage and family, it is not of God.”

“A strong family unit makes for a strong heart of the world – a world devoted to Truth through Holy Love. These parts cannot be interchanged or compromised and still produce the same end result. Because families are being redefined these days, the heart of the world is compromised.”

“Every family needs to be a cornerstone of Holy Love – in their communities, in their nations and in the heart of the world. When Holy Love is attacked in any family member, they need to invoke me under the title, ‘Terror of Demons', and I will come to their aid.”

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

November 1, 2015
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, families need to be under the umbrella of mutual respect – loving respect. If fathers would govern their charges in such a way, there would be an end to violence and crime. Children must be shown love in order to give love. Lead temperately, not with an iron rod.”

“Fathers must be Christ to their children.”

December 6, 2015
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and he is holding the Baby Jesus. Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.” St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

St. Joseph continues and says: “The heart of the world can only change if the heart of the family changes and is based on Holy Love. When the family is founded on Holy Love, so too is the community. A healthy, spiritually well-bred community leads to good leaders and healthy nations which abide in Holy Love.”

Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

January 3, 2016
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here, he says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, realize that anyone in a parental role needs to pass on the difference between good and evil to those who are following them. This is the way families can change and thus, the world can change.”

Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

January 10, 2016
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“It is important for families to pursue personal holiness as a family. Parents must always give their children the example of Holy Love to emulate and, thus united, strengthen the community around them.”

“Such families of Holy Love strengthen the heart of the world and move the heart of the world closer to the Will of God. Parents must always be prepared to defend good and expose evil, remembering there is an ongoing struggle in each heart between good and evil.”

“It is the parents who set the tone for the spiritual well-being of the children, or the lack thereof. They must see this as their solemn obligation before God.”

“Every heart and every home should be a safe shelter of Holy Love.”

February 7, 2016
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, it is important that you realize the morals of the family affect the morals of the community which in turn affect the morals of the nation and then the morals of the world. Therefore, it is important for every family to have the spiritual foundation of Holy Love.”

“Tonight, I'm blessing you with my Fatherly Blessing.”

March 6, 2016
Sunday Service – Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts; Unity in Families and World Peace
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Please understand that parents have the solemn responsibility to help their children form opinions in the Truth. Opinions lay the groundwork for actions. Therefore, be good examples of Holy Love, and influence your children in this virtue.”

“I'm imparting to you tonight my Fatherly Blessing.”

March 19, 2016
Solemnity of St. Joseph
St. Joseph

St. Joseph comes with a staff in his hand. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come and have been sent to encourage those who live in Holy Love and admonish* those who do not believe in Holy Love or worse still, oppose it. Holy Love fills the soul with a healthy fear of the Lord, so that he lives out every present moment with an eye towards his own judgment. Those who shun the grace of Holy Love do not hold themselves accountable to God's Commandments or recognize their responsibility towards earning their salvation. Such as these live to please themselves through money, power and importance and all the pleasures the world has to offer. They are not aware of the action of evil all around them and even within their own hearts.”

“As patron of the dying, I try to open hearts to the reality of their state before God. As Terror of Demons, I defend those who call upon me in their last agony. Take heed of what I am telling you today. The most fearsome demon is the one who tries to convince you none of this is true.”

* Admonish: to criticize or warn gently but seriously.

May 1, 2016
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Families entrusted to my care receive my Fatherly Protection against the evils of the day. I will warn their hearts of potential threats of evil, as I am the Terror of Demons.”

“Pray this way:”

“Good St. Joseph – defender of the Truth and Terror of Demons – I place all members of my family under your gaze. Protect them and guide them along their way to salvation. Amen.”

First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, come to me with expectant faith. I will protect you against all evil. The greatest evil today is that which would destroy your faith. I want to take you to the Heart of The Mother so that She would place you in Her Heart and keep you safe from this evil.”

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

June 19, 2016
Father’s Day
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The role of every father is to protect, provide and guide. To protect, the father must protect from any harm – physical, spiritual and emotional. The father must provide the basic needs of his children – physical, spiritual and emotional. The father must guide his children around harmful influences. Thus, he helps his children to see the errors in sinful lifestyles and helps them discern good from evil. A father is never first a pal seeking approval from his children. He gains respect by defining sin as sin. Thus, the children learn to seek the father's approval.”

July 3, 2016
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I come once again to help fathers in their leadership role as head of the family.”

“My brothers, you must take a firm position as to the difference between good and evil. If you can discern this properly you can pass this skill onto your children and they will become good leaders. This is how governments and leadership roles within the secular and religious world are made strong.

“Tonight, I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

August 7, 2016
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I tell you solemnly, that every vocation, be it the single life, married or religious, is under attack these days. You must sanctify your vocations by practicing Holy Love in the present moment. This keeps you under the mantle of the Ten Commandments.”

“Tonight, I'm passing to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

September 4, 2016
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“It is the solemn duty of parents as their children grow in age to teach them the responsibility of respecting life in the womb. It is in this way when they are older, they will be pro-life citizens. Otherwise, it is very difficult to convert their way of thinking.”

“Tonight, I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

October 2, 2016
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, I have come to ask all parents to be united in the Truth. Make certain that your children live in the reality of the Truth in all their opinions. This is the way to foster Holy Love in hearts and in the world.”

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

November 6, 2016
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Parents should make a point of discussing political issues in their home as their children mature. This way they are educated in good versus evil.”

“I (St. Joseph) will walk amongst the people and bless them tonight.”*

* During the First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World.

December 4, 2016
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here* and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“During this season of Advent prepare your hearts with Holy Love for the coming of Jesus. Let your hearts become as little stables, little chapels of Love ready to welcome Him. Each family then will be like little chapels of Holy Love.”

“Tonight, I am extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

February 5, 2017
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here* and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Any leader – if he's a good leader, sees his duties as protecting and serving those under him, just as I did as head of the Holy Family.

“You have a President now who wishes to protect and serve the citizens of this nation. Allow him to do so.”

“I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

March 5, 2017
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here* and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to remind all families that if they are consecrated in the Truth through Holy Love, they will be at peace and united. Where there is disunity, there is disloyalty to Holy Love.”

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

March 19, 2017
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I advise you that all nations need to come under my paternity. This is the way that hearts can change to conform to the Will of God. The soul of every nation is grappling with evil, as Satan takes strides in encouraging confusion and war. It is good to be strong to oppose your enemies, but be certain of who your enemy is.”

“If you oppose those who support God's Commandments, you are opposing God Himself. One of my titles in the world is ‘Terror of Demons'. I come to you today seeking to expose Satan's influence in every nation. Where there is disunity you have Satan's influence. He sends his cohorts out to challenge good and to place his evil influences over worthy endeavors.”

“My paternal influence could change the way whole nations perceive the path they follow. Pray for that.”

April 2, 2017
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here* and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, make of your families sanctuaries of Holy Love, thereby encouraging and supporting Christian prayer. I will help you with this in every way possible if you ask.”

“Tonight, I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

May 1, 2017
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Always work to build up the Kingdom of God in hearts and in the world through Holy Love. Once the heart has opened to Holy Love, the soul must work to become the Message. Holy Love should permeate his thoughts, words and actions. Then, as an example of Holy Love, the soul is evangelizing the Message without being aware of it.”

“Many hearts can be converted in such a way.”

Read Colossians 3:12-16+

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, and patience, forbearing one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as you teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Read Colossians 4:5-6+

Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer every one.

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by St. Joseph.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.

May 7, 2017
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here* and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, every family needs to strive towards being an example of Holy Love in the world. Thus, they would be an oasis of peace and Truth amidst all the confusion of the age. Pray for this.”

“Tonight, I am blessing you with my Blessing of Fatherly Love.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

June 5, 2017
St. Joseph

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Families well-grounded in Holy Love will be able to withstand any difficulty.”

July 2, 2017
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here* and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My dear brothers and sisters, I come tonight to especially bless each one of you with My Blessing of Protection against Evil as I am the Terror of Demons. And most especially, I come to bless families composed of man and wife united in Christ.”

“And so, tonight, I impart to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

September 3, 2017
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

National Day of Prayer

St. Joseph is here* and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My dear brothers and sisters, thank you for cooperating in the National Day of Prayer today. Your country** needs prayer now more than ever. Your President*** must be fortified with your prayers in order to protect in a most certain way your entire nation. Pray that national leaders around the world recognize the effects of bullying other nations and that they will not survive themselves when they choose to do this. Continue to be united in prayer as families; as communities and as a nation.”

“I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** U.S.A.
*** President Donald J. Trump

October 1, 2017
St. Joseph

Early Afternoon

St. Joseph comes.* He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I tell you solemnly, if Holy Love is not practiced in individual hearts, it cannot be practiced in families. If families do not live in Holy Love, neither can communities. Communities set the tone for nations and nations for the world. Once again, reflect upon the importance of Holy Love in your heart.”

“I will be passing amongst you** giving each of you My Paternal Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** 10/01/2017 – During the First Sunday Family Night Service at 7PM

December 3, 2017
First Sunday Family Night Service – For the Conversion of the Heart of the World
St. Joseph

St. Joseph is here* and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My brothers and sisters, the Lord is indebted to those who live in Holy Love and spread Holy Love. They are important instruments of the Remnant Faithful.”

“Tonight, I am blessing you with my Fatherly Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

March 19, 2018
Solemnity of St. Joseph
St. Joseph

St. Joseph comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“When I was in the world, God used me by directing me through dreams. The Lord has a way of reaching the lowliest of souls. Fortunately, I believed through the grace of God and the Divine plan was carried out. These days, the Lord allows many signs and wonders to take place in the world. The lack of faith in hearts negates His best efforts.”

“Faith must be based upon wisdom and wisdom on discernment. Otherwise, the soul may choose the wrong things to believe or disbelieve in. This is quite evident in the violence that has taken root in hearts today – often erroneously based on religious beliefs.”

“If you have faith in God's inspirations, you will persevere in peace, such as I did.”

Read Matthew 2:13+

Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.”

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

January 5, 2019
St. Joseph

St. Joseph comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I will move in amongst the people tonight, blessing them and their families.”

December 24, 2022
Christmas Eve
St. Joseph

St Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“As the Holy Mother* and I progressed along our journey towards Bethlehem, I did all I could think of to make Her more comfortable – cooler in the midday sun – warmer at night. She never complained, but I knew Her needs without Her speaking them. Our disappointment at finding lack of suitable dwelling when we reached Bethlehem was surrendered to God the Father in trustful love. We did not fear God's Plan for us. We waited for its unfolding. God sent us the grace to do so.”

“This is the grace each soul needs to pray for in the world today. Pray against Satan's discouragement. Pray against unreliable fearful anticipation of the future. Wait for the friendship of grace.”

Read Luke 2:6-7+

And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by St. Joseph. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* Blessed Virgin Mary.