
October 16, 2002
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you understand that discernment is not an intellectual gift, but a spiritual gift. The one that thinks discernment comes from the intellect has a spiritual illness. He is too dependent upon himself. Though the intellect may interplay with the spiritual in discerning, it is the spiritual enlightenment in the heart that discerns.”

February 24, 2003
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to speak to you about being little. Spiritual littleness is a goal all must seek in order to advance through the Chambers of the United Hearts. This is how to be spiritually little.”

–“Always regard others as more holy and more worthy than you yourself, all the while striving to be as holy as you can be.”

–“Do not seek to be great or important in the eyes of men, but in the eyes of God; that is, surrender reputation and popularity seeking only to do God's Will.”

–“Do not complain–this shows a dissatisfaction with God's Will in the present moment. This is also true of impatience.”

–“Put others' needs always ahead of your own. It is in this way God will fulfill your needs in His way and in His time. God knows your needs better than you yourself.”

“These precepts will help you to be spiritually little and to live according to Divine Love–surrendering your health, appearance and comforts.”

November 3, 2003
Feast of St. Martin de Porres (On False Humility)
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come that you might see–the reason the Church and the Tradition of Faith are in crisis today is that souls do not allow the truth to penetrate their hearts. The truth is humility. It is not a false humility that exists only on the surface, but it is all consuming and convicting.”

March 24, 2004
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Sister, realize the significance of Holy Love. It is the solution to every problem, not only on an individual level but on an international level, as well. It is the challenge of those who have, towards those who have not. It is the path of peace in this world, and the promise of salvation to those who embrace it in the next.”

“Any person, place, thing or event that leads away from Holy Love is not of God, and not God's Divine Will. To embrace Holy Love is to embrace the Divine Will of God. Many do not know this, so you will please make this known.”

July 21, 2004
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin dePorres comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus Ever Present in the tabernacles of the world.”

“I have come, dear sister, to help you understand that when Heaven advises, `make the Message known' that you cannot propagate the Message of Holy Love unless you are first living it. When I was in the world I made myself accountable for every scrap of food, every remnant of clothing, every coin that I was made charge of and, of course, every present moment. What my community could not use was freely given to the poor. None of my sacrifices were unwarranted. If this was so in my day, how much more is it so today?”

“Yes, make this known to all the people, that the best way to spread the Message is to be a living example of Holy Love.”

August 17, 2006
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“All of the faults which present themselves as obstacles to deeper holiness, such as unforgiveness, anger, self-centeredness, jealousy–these are all signs of weakness in Holy Love. These Messages are meant to root out such flaws and make room in the heart for a more profound quality of Holy Love. This is why each soul needs to look with courage and humility into his own heart each day, and throughout the day to see if he is making the right choices in every present moment. To live otherwise is only carelessness.”

November 3, 2006
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The reason the Lord sent me to you with that morning prayer is, if you recite it in the morning, then great and small sacrifices that you may forget to offer the Lord have already been given to Him.”

Feast of St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres is here and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

I (Maureen) wish St. Martin a Happy Feast Day. He smiles.

“This is the way to live every day, giving God the glory when you arise. With all your heart, say:”

Consecration to Self-denial

“Dear Jesus, Divine and Beloved Savior, today I surrender to You every pain – physical, spiritual or emotional. I will not complain about inconveniences, demands upon my time, breaches of privacy or the rudeness of those You put in my life today. With Your help, I will accept each present moment with Holy Love. Amen.”

“This is the loving, sweet surrender of your whole life, beginning with the present moment. This little prayer is the consecration to self-denial. Recite it with love.”

November 25, 2006
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear sister, I have come to offer you this Message. Please know and understand the great consolation Jesus feels in His Divine Heart whenever you pray before His Real Presence. As He is consoled, the stranglehold that Satan has upon the throat of the world is loosened, and souls are given knowledge as to their sinful ways.”

“Many who come to the property receive this grace. Many more, upon returning home, begin to see their faults and failings. What joy there is in Heaven as a soul moves towards conversion of heart!”

“Believe that one holy hour can save a soul and change the course of human history forever. Live as though you believe this profound truth.”

February 21, 2007
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today I have come to invite you even deeper into Divine Love which is the Spirit of Truth; in so doing, have a heart which is governed by Holy Love. Such a heart does not examine others' motives for their actions. The loving heart tries to avoid laying blame, for this leads to a ‘tit for tat' spirit. The heart which advances in Holy Love understands that humility is the stepping stone to all virtue.”

“Pray for a love of humility. Then you will advance quickly in the virtuous life.”

November 28, 2007
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Jesus sends me,a poor mulatto,to ask you to record this prayer. It is a prayer important to each soul no matter his importance in the Church or the world.”

“Here it is:”

“Dear Jesus, I know that the Victory of the United Hearts cannot come into the heart of the world unless it first comes into my own heart. Therefore, I ask that You give me the courage to look with the eyes of truth into my own heart to discover any area of inordinate self-love that I have not conquered. Take sovereignty over my heart.”

“Jesus, Triumph and Reign! Amen.”

“This prayer is an important step in becoming an instrument towards Jesus' Victory instead of an obstacle.”

December 19, 2007
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“You need to bear every cross with peace in your hearts. If you are not at peace, you have not surrendered to the cross and surrendered the cross to Jesus.”

January 11, 2008
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come so that all may have this knowledge. True and genuine virtue remains hidden from the soul; otherwise it is false and a spiritual pride. Thus, the soul that thinks he is humble, patient or charitable, or who seeks to be recognized as such, is being tricked by Satan and guilty of pretense.”

“The truly virtuous soul sees all others as more holy, more virtuous than himself. He does not congratulate himself in his thoughts on acting humble or being patient or on behaving in any way virtuous. If he does so, he has slipped into spiritual pride, to be sure.”

“Spiritual pride is like a vanity in which the soul admires his own holiness and efforts in virtue. Such a one is actually slipping backwards on the stairway of holiness instead of advancing. Remember, Lucifer stood by the Throne of God before his fall from grace.”

“I tell you all of this by way of warning, so that you do not fall victim to this most insidious snare of evil.”

January 14, 2008
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Sister, I have come to help you understand better my previous message on spiritual pride. In the present moment, free will can choose to act on a certain virtue. Pride enters in when the soul congratulates himself on having succeeded in a certain virtue. The soul must not, in all simplicity, take inventory in what virtues he possesses or what Chamber he is in at any given moment. That is why simplicity is the handrail on the stairway of holiness.”

October 27, 2008
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to speak to you concerning some topics that have become very ambiguous in this present day. This is so, for the sense of good and evil has been relinquished to the god of self-love. Furthermore, Satan has succeeded in making sin into political issues which stills the voice of those who want to protect certain tax benefits. Therefore, the choices of many have been compromised due to lack of leadership.”

“I am here to tell you how dear all life is to God from conception to natural death. Each life is God's Will. Each one is given certain and unique gifts. Each soul can reach sanctity. The grace is there. When life is interrupted in the womb, all of this dies with it. When life is cut short by any other means, God's plans–whatever they may be even unto redemptive suffering–are cut short.”

“Laws should not be opposed to God's Will, nor should lawmakers. The Almighty formed man and woman to be united in marriage and to procreate. Same sex marriage is another sign of Satan's power of persuasion.”

“Anything people choose should reflect God's laws–not self-love, not passions of the flesh, not convenience of self-design. The more mankind interferes with God's plans, the wider the abyss between Heaven and earth. This abyss weakens God's protection over His Creation. For this reason the destiny of the world weighs in the balance with free will choices. Do not support sin. Look for the truth.”

November 3, 2008
Feast of St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Jesus wants you to know that people who place economic issues ahead of life in the womb in this election have placed their souls in grave danger. The future of the abortion issue will be structured by whomever the next appointee to your Supreme Court is. Satan supports the candidate who embraces abortion. It is quite remarkable that people do not recognize his evil fingerprints on this election.”

“I cannot make the choice between good and evil more distinct than I just have.”

November 3, 2010
Feast of St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to tell you that the soul advances in personal holiness only insofar as his free will cooperates with grace. What I am saying is the soul must desire to be holy. He can pray but if it is only words, and there is no Holy Love in the heart as he prays, it means little. The soul can sacrifice, but this, too, if it is not offered out of love, is empty. Some seemingly great sacrifices are meaningless, for they are given with reluctance.”

“Treasure in your heart the grace of forgiveness. Pray for it and Jesus will flood your heart with the Light of Truth to show you where you are unforgiving. So many souls spend long hours in Purgatory for unforgiveness.”

November 3, 2011
Feast of St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to offer some guidelines towards personal holiness. Never seek to be important or held in esteem in the eyes of man. Let suffering and good works be always in the background. To be patient is a sign of great humility.”

“Always be a good listener. Be generous in expressing gratitude and in offering compliments when they are due. Be prudent in the time and place, even of constructive criticism.”

“Always search for ways to help others; not so as to receive their indebtedness, but so as to be ‘Jesus' to them.”

“Prayer is a generous gift to be given in the silence of your heart.”

November 3, 2012
Feast of St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“When God sends a cross to fill the present moment, it is a gift of love in disguise. If the cross is returned to God with love, He accepts it graciously with Love. So you see, there are some gifts which are best when returned to the sender. [He smiles.] ”

“In every present moment there is some form of the cross and also the grace to receive it with love, and to return it to God with love. If you live this way, you will be spiritually strong.”

November 1, 2013
Feast of All Saints
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I have come to tell you that everyone is called to be a saint. Each soul God creates is created to be a saint – even the aborted infants. Sanctity is possible only by cooperating with the grace of the present moment. No one achieves sanctity outside of grace by his own efforts.”

“In cooperation with grace, the soul needs to weed out whatever thought, word or action in his life presents an obstacle to grace. This can only be accomplished through humility of heart and Holy Love.”

“Fill every present moment with Holy Love. Surrender to God any behavior which does not serve you to come closer to Him. This is the path to sanctify of heart.”

“Pray often for those less fortunate in a life of grace. Pray for the poor souls.”

November 3, 2015
Feast of St. Martin de Porres
St. Martin de Porres

St. Martin de Porres says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

St. Martin bows when he comes. His clothes remind me of the Cure d'Ars habit – rather shabby.

“I have come as the Lord prescribes. Remember, the Lord is not particular about outward appearances – He only looks at the heart. These days lend yourself to many rosaries. The state of the heart of the world is such that there is not any portion that is not desperate for God's intervention. Yet, when grace is offered, too often it is not acted upon or even goes unnoticed.”

“Politics have taken over hearts in an unprecedented way, turning non-issues into great matters of division. Governments and leadership roles have become black or white according to acceptance of good versus evil. People rarely place God and His Commandments first in their lives. Therefore, Satan holds sway over most decisions and situations.”

“The rosary is a humble, yet powerful weapon. Satan knows this, but tries to conceal the dignity of this weapon, just as he tries to negate the good of this Mission.* The enemy does not understand humility. Therefore, humility will defeat him. Pray the rosary as a humble recourse to the Heart of Our Lady. Jesus sent me to encourage this.”

* The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.