
October 17, 2012
St. Thomas More

St. Thomas More says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to make the point that a God-centered nation prospers and is united. The nation, whose government chips away at personal freedoms and who condones debauchery, eventually collapses.”

“Freedom is not the same as the ‘choice' to sin. Such ‘choices' are really slavery to sin. So, when nations make legal, sins like abortion and same sex marriage, they commit the future of their country to Satan's agenda.”

“The God-fearing nation will be the one to survive and prosper. Today, sadly, I do not see such a nation in all of God's creation.”

October 18, 2012
St. Thomas More

St. Thomas More says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Untruth is always self-serving – either towards some personal ambition or an intricate self-serving agenda. This is why the unraveling of Truth is Satan's tool in achieving his goals in this country, in religious organizations, extremist groups and governments.”

“Once a heart is committed to lies, he becomes trapped in a web of lies essential to the support of his first untruth. Lies beget lies.”

“When laws are based upon untruth, whole countries are led astray. Extremist groups based upon violence are emboldened by Satan's lies. This is just a sampling of how small lies become greater.”

“The greatest lie is that God and Satan do not exist.”

October 15, 2020
St. Thomas More

St. Thomas More* says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“The New World Order is based upon lies.  Proponents of this lie see the U.S. Constitution** as a threat to their agenda.  Therefore, they go about trying to destroy national pride and promote anarchy.  An agenda of the New World Order is to take down civil authority – the police – so that their own form of law and order can move in.”

“Children, this election*** is for or against the New World Order.  Do not allow democracy – so long fought for – to be shredded.  Spread this Truth.”

* Thomas More, in full Sir Thomas More, also called St. Thomas More (born February 7, 1478 – died July 6, 1535, London, England).  English humanist and statesman, Chancellor of England (1529-32), who was beheaded for refusing to accept Henry VIII as head of the Church of England.  He is recognized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.

** The Constitution of the United States – see:

*** U.S. Presidential election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.