
March 16, 2006
St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael comes. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Your point is well taken. You ask what about the people who are living a lie in some area of their lives. Our Lady extends this grace to them. Since they believe that the lie or lies they have accepted in their hearts are the Truth, they are not open to taking up my Shield.”

“But because even the greatest sinner is so loved by the Immaculate Mary, She instructs me to tell you that if you extend the anointing of St. Michael to such a soul, even from a distance, these souls will be given the grace of being shown Holy Truth. Of course, as with any grace, it is up to free will as to whether or not it is accepted.”

“Make it known.”

March 19, 2006
St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to make known to you that when you extend my blessing–the anointing of St. Michael to a soul–the tip of my Sword pierces the heart of the one you pray for. Thus, in my anointing, the heart is pierced with the Truth, for my Sword is also Holy Truth.”

Note: To extend the blessing, say: I extend to (insert name) the anointing of St. Michael.”

April 29, 2006
Mary, Protectress of the Faith

Blessed Mother comes as Protectress of the Faith. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“In these times, recognition of My title ‘Protectress of the Faith' has slipped by. But you must courageously enforce the propagation of this title with zeal. I tell you this, for as ‘Protectress of the Faith,' I am able to pierce hearts with St. Michael's Sword and hold these hearts open to receive the truth willingly. This way, hearts will not receive the truth one minute and reject it the next.”

“Therefore, when you impart to someone the anointing of St. Michael, also say, ‘Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to my aid.' This prayer holds sway over many powers of evil, but not over free will.”

September 28, 2009
Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to clarify the difference between the Anointing of St. Michael and the Baptism of Truth. The Anointing of St. Michael pierces the heart of the recipient with a sharp ray of truth– preparing the heart for conversion. The Baptism of Truth immerses the heart of the recipient into the Flame of Love which is My Heart; thus beginning the journey into Our United Hearts.”